16. Library & Missed Touch

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The young scholar heads out again to his favourite place, his mystical escape - the University library. Although he has long completed his assessments and all the potential interviews to score himself a high entry-level job, he is still restless with the recent happenings.

Jungkook walked at the familiar aisles which he has spent a good hundred times of his undergraduate years roaming for references. He could probably do a better job as a librarian than the appointed personnel. Fingers caressing through the different thickness of knowledge portrayed on the shelves, Jungkook walked down the aisle finding something to read.

Does he need to do this? No. Why is he looking for something to read when he is practically out of the class waiting for nothing but his final result? No clue.

He picked the economic magazine for a light read and some time to kill as he walked to the seating area which he dominated for a total of 4 years of his Uni life. The young ravenette chose this spot as his sanctuary for the library is the only other place than his home that could provide the comfort he needs.

He has no one waiting at home for him. No mom and no dad. At least not at his studio apartment. They are both safely stationed back in their hometown with no proper reach out since Jungkook decided to move out and be independent. This happened as soon as the younger turned 18 and it's been 6 years since.

His mom? Probably still sticking to work as a pre-school teacher despite their father's capability to better afford the family now. His dad? On top of not knowing if he is with another woman, Jungkook can't predict much on where his dad would be. In a nutshell, Jungkook can say that not only they are not here with him, they are not there for one another too.

It's a part of his story which left the ravenette broken in more than one places. It's a path we will discover when Jungkook is ready to unveil.

As of now, with a magazine in his hand and no thoughts swimming his mind, Jungkook made his way to his designated spot which he provided himself pulling the chair out.

"I'm sorry but I reached here first."

Jungkook stretched his neck from the content he was reading in the magazine as he looked up to the person.

"Sorry?" The raven head clarified.

"I reached here first so I'm going to sit here." The other man explained. Not rude and not even commanding but his voice was stern and distanced.

"Okay..." Jungkook wanted to argue that he reached here first but then truthfully he was so busy reading on the content in his magazine with no clue of his surroundings. He turned on his heels not wanting to look at the man any longer. He was starting to get into Jungkook's nerves with his cocky attitude.

"Hey, wait up."

The younger felt his wrist being held firmly by the said male who appears to have taken a 360 change in his demeanour. Suddenly, he was a lot less cocky looking with a smile addressed on his lips.

"You're Jungkook?"

"Do I know you?"

"I'm Lucas. Lucas Kallister."

"Okay..." The ravenette is still clueless. Lucas who?

"Pardon. I should have guessed that you won't know me in person. I do know you though. You're Jeon Jungkook. Topper in Keller Business School, the one who aces in all his assessments."

Now that he hears it out of this somewhat good looking tall man, Jungkook felt himself covering underneath his shell again. He truly hates the attention his ability and capability carries. He just nodded, unsure of what to say.

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