7. Mint Head & Cafe Stalking

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"Are you expecting someone?"

Taehyung gently sulked at his cousin brother - Yoongi, who moved to town as he was preparing to join a record label as a junior producer. Unlike many, Min Yoongi is a man of multiple talents. Since young, Taehyung has always honoured and looked up to the older. Yoongi was among the few alongside Jin who supported Taehyung's passion to become a patissier and never left the brown head to himself.

"I'm not. This is a bakery Yoongi, people come and go."

"You look like you're anticipating someone to walk through that door." The mint head man pointed at the black wooden door, looking sleek and modern for a bakery's entrance.

"Probably for Jungkook." Jin came into the front section, carrying the freshly baked goodies in a tray. Taehyung on the other hand was cleaning the espresso machine as he rolled his eyes dramatically with Jin's unending teasing.

"Jungkook?" Yoongi was leaning over the coffee bar as he sipped on the lifetime free ice Americano which he bribed out of the young patissier. "Someone new?"

"How can he even think about it? He is committed." Jin chuckled.

"Yea...Judy." Yoongi smirked as Taehyung watched his cousin brother joining hand with the eldest of them all as he groaned in frustration.

"For the nth time, I swear-...Jungkook?" Taehyung's eyes widened as it caught the sharp blob of raven head walking through, right arm holding his iPad while the left was busy holding a phone to his ear. His hazel eyes twinkled under the shimmering light with the sight of the ravenette walking in.

Jungkook looked up and mouthed a gentle Hi with his mouth as he continued to speak on his phone while he slowly made his way pass the coffee bar. Customers were flocking in as they please while Jin was at the cashier, ringing each one out like a busy bee.

Time was 5 in the evening and the crazy hour for V's Bakery just kick-started.

"Can I have an iced latte, please? With a double shot of espresso."

Taehyung's string of gaze was broken loose when he heard a loud pitched female voice making an order. "Latte?" He repeated, unsure if he heard her right as his eyes continued to follow each step taken by Jungkook as the younger male found a corner spot in his bakery as he continued his conversation on the phone.

"Yea, iced. With a double shot of espresso." The lady repeated louder this time, hiding her annoyance for the sake of the handsome man in front of her. She surely can't afford to look piss at the brown head man who looked like he works for the top label model agency.

"Sure. Right up." Just like that, Taehyung's charming smile was back and the patissier was back to flying out orders with the help of Yoongi managing at the side with him.

Among the noises of customers, expensive colognes disappearing with the sweet and savoury of the baked goodies, occasional glances and chatters of V's Bakery employees, Jungkook gave his brain a little to ponder on. An hour must have passed but he noticed the constant chiming of the front door never stopping as people poured in like a carnival on summer fest.

Slowly, he brought his eyes to look over at the pastry display where Taehyung stood, serving each customer with a charming smile on his face, greetings and chatters never leaving his mouth as every single customer walking in walked out with bags of purchases with a sly smile on their faces.

The elderly crowd smiled contently while the younger bunch either squirm, cheered or blushed with the sight of the brown head. Taehyung is surely a charmer and he was there as a centrepiece. In Jungkook's opinion, the older looks more appealing and pleasing than the sugary delights coated in delicious colours.

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