55. Hospital Bed & Harsh Bet

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Taehyung couldn't swallow the words he spilt out of his mouth. He stood there knowing he fucked up for real this time as he turned to hide with no corners to seal his existence with.

"Taehyung, what did you just said?" Yoongi walked forward with a question mark on his face.

His ears have to be teasing him with an ugly truth. Yoongi can't believe it until he hears it again which probably won't be much of a game-changer.

"Are you even listening to yourself Tae?" Jin asked again when he saw the younger didn't say anything further to acknowledge the mint head.

Jungkook knew that he messed up by asking about the whole issue directly when there is a possible chance that the entourage is standing close by. He wouldn't have guessed it either way but the younger took it to his heart to blame on himself as his eyes pooled in tears.

"Bambi? Are you in pain?" Taehyung who was avoiding all the confrontation at the back of him gasped when he notices his boyfriend lowered his head in tears.

"Gosh Jungkook! Is everything ok?" Jimin pushed past everyone and landed himself in between Taehyung and Jungkook as the blond inspected every nook and corner on the younger's body before he was assured with a tiny nod.


"Bambi? Can you look at me please?" Taehyung leaned forward, taking back his space as Jimin took a step back. Knowing Jungkook is not in pain put the group at ease as they wandered around thinking if they should just stay or perhaps take their leave.

"Taehyung, we will be at my house. You are free to join us or just give me an update on how it goes by end of the day." Namjoon decided to step in and make a call as he could sense the others were wondering about the in-betweens.

"Thanks Joon."

"Anytime buddy." Namjoon patted Taehyung's back and gave Jungkook a thumbs up as his good wishes before dragging the rest out of the room. Jin didn't leave without whining but it was easy to compel when Namjoon put on his serious face. Yoongi knew that this is not the best time to come in between the lovers with Jungkook's dire situation so he left it for another time.

Hoseok and Jimin were equally reluctant to leave their best friend behind but they know Jungkook is in good hands as Taehyung leaned to plant another gentle kiss on the places the younger is unharmed, creating a beautiful scene of love for the rest to witness.

"Why were you crying love?" Taehyung said as soon as he heard the front door closing.

"I'm sorry Tae."

"Jungkook? Why are you saying sorry?"

"I shouldn't have asked about the bakery and the loan. Now you have a huge explanation to do with the rest. I should have kept my mouth shut." Jungkook felt bad for he made Taehyung look bad on the spot.

"Bambi...it's fine. I know I owe the boys an explanation. It won't stay hidden as I have two more days to hand over the bakery to the new owner and leave. I was planning to tell you guys after the match tonight. Didn't expect the snake to do his filthy work so soon."

Taehyung felt so dejected towards his cousin brother. He still can't believe that Lucas risked Jungkook's life just to get back at him. That's inhuman thinking.

"So..." Jungkook sniffled as he adjusted himself a little with so much effort for Taehyung to seat comfortably. Somehow the younger knows that this chat is about to get lengthy and he wouldn't want his boyfriend to be hanging by the bed.

"Yea? Ask me anything love."

Jungkook blushed terribly and that brought a gentle smile on Taehyung's face as the older adored the raven head's shy behaviour more and more each day. One of the thing which Taehyung wish to safe keep on Jungkook is his innocent actions.

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