57. Heartfelt & Promises

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Taehyung was at a loss when he received the call and did nothing but to immediately rush back home to his boyfriend. Regret washed over the brown head on the drive back home as he cursed at himself for leaving Jungkook alone, who was newly discharged from the hospital.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung yelled for the second time as he approached his bedroom when he did not hear a response from the time he entered the house.


"Gosh Jungkook!" Taehyung crushed the younger in his arms without any precautions as he was too worried about the younger who called out for an urgent matter.


"Omg, sorry love! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" Taehyung released the wounded body from his arms as he looked into the precious Bambi eyes which turned glossy.


Taehyung cupped his boyfriend's cheeks delicately and apologised for the hasty act as he did it out of pure concern. He wasn't aware how he must have irritated Jungkook's wound unconsciously.

"But Bambi, are you ok?" He has yet to get the answer to his question so Taehyung asked again making sure his eyes are scanning every inch of his boyfriend trying to find the discomfort or cause of pain.

"I'm alright."

Taehyung blinked his eyes rapidly. "But you called me for an urgent matter, are you not in pain love?"

"Not physically. But over here." Jungkook pointed at his heart with Taehyung's brows furrowing even further. What is Jungkook trying to say?

"I missed you."

The brown head's entire self melted into a tiny puddle. He can't believe the amount of love Jungkook is showering him with and all the adorable acts he is displaying at the moment.

"You scared the hell out of me Kook. I was speaking with the boys when you called. I ran out of Namjoon's house because I was so damn worried about you." Taehyung relaxed when he finally managed to gain his confidence that Jungkook is not in dire pain that requires medical attention immediately.

"I didn't mean to scare you but I just find it embarrassing to say it out loud when you're with the boys. I'm shy."

So that's the whole problem about it. Jungkook was feeling the empty nest syndrome as soon as Taehyung walked out of the door and waited for a couple of hours before ringing his boyfriend. Jungkook figures they would have somehow finished or about to wrap up their discussion when he decided to call Taehyung.

Sure enough, within the next 30 minutes, Taehyung is in his arms.

"You're so silly love. Next time, please don't scare me that way alright?" Taehyung gently bopped Jungkook's nose as he isn't about to attempt anything that requires him to touch Jungkook further.

Not now.

Anyways, with the light-hearted giggles waving through the room, both Taehyung and Jungkook found a sweet position to cuddle without the older crushing the raven head male into pieces. For the next few days, they have to be diligent and careful with Jungkook's recovery so that it doesn't leave any permanent damage which they might regret.

"Tae?" Jungkook called out after a few moments of silence once Taehyung finishes updating him about the happenings at Namjoon's.

"Yes, Bambi?"

"Are you going to speak with Lucas again?"

Taehyung stopped stroking the younger's hair as the name of the man he despises rang through his mind. He isn't so sure anymore about how he will be dealing with Lucas. Taehyung wanted Lucas to pay but he knows that the more he aggravates and present himself out there for his cousin to match, he will never be able to put a stop to it. On the other hand, Taehyung can never let go of Lucas for what he did to Jungkook.

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