48. Goddess-Like & Love Declaration

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"What brings you here Maya?" Jin waved at the girl who was walking in hesitantly.

"Is Taehyung around?"

"He went off as soon as he came earlier today. I don't think so he will be returning coz he asked both Yoongi and myself to manage the bakery." Jin answered as he noticed Maya growing weary.

"Ok, please let him know I came to meet him. I couldn't get him over the phone either."

Jin nodded at Maya who stood there without any next move or words. He looked around and watched the rest of the boys were looking at the girl with different expressions plastered across their faces.

"Is it something important? I can ask Jungkook to call him. He will pick up for sure."

Jungkook turned rapidly towards the mint head who said that as he watched Yoongi's sinister look growing into his infamous gummy smile making the whole expression ten times creeper.

"That's alright. I think he must be out for something important. I will ring him again. Jungkook?" Maya turned to the man she thinks must be the one that means something to Taehyung evaluating the constant association the raven head seems to be having with Taehyung.


"Can you ensure Tae calls me when you see him next? It's important. It's about the wedding."

"Wedding?" Yoongi questioned as Maya nodded slowly. Her indifferent expression slowly changed into something pitiful.

"Do you perhaps want to have a seat?" The offer came from none other than Hoseok as he noticed the girl started to tear a little with diamond-like droplets leaving her pretty big eyes. Maya looked up for the first time right into the eyes of the man who extended the kind offer.

Her breathe hitched with the radiation she was invaded with. Looking right at the face of the copper head made Maya nervous as she quickly nodded and took the seat afraid she might do or say something embarrassing if she stays put staring at the man.

"Maya, are you alright sweetie?" Jin approached the girl from behind the counter. Yoongi on the other hand quickly ran over to the door from the seat and turned the open sign at the door to close before ensuring the door is locked to provide them with some privacy.

"Yea I'm ok."

"Maya. You know that Yoongi and I have seen you around for most of our lives?"

"You're making me sound old Jin." Yoongi stood beside the older man and scoffed when he noticed Jin's words indicated them as the oldest among the humans present.

"You're not old, you're ancient." Jimin's giggle resonated in the bakery before dying down abruptly as he noticed the pair of eyes on him not appreciating his light-hearted joke. He was too engrossed in pulling Yoongi's legs that he wasn't aware of the sniffling girl among their presence. "Ops, sorry."

"It's alright. That was kinda funny." Maya sniffled but she somehow managed to break a sweet giggle melting someone's heart even further.

"Now that looks better." Yoongi pinched Maya's cheeks lightly as he patted the girl's head. The mint head is not directly involved with the Kim's affair or VANTE's alignment with the elite family of Lim's, but he does know Maya since younger and she is one of the purest girls whom he has seen.

Growing up, Jin and Yoongi always hang out with Taehyung with Maya by the side. It was an unfortunate event for them all to witness as Maya and Taehyung was engaged without their consent. Young Maya had no free will to choose but to give in and develop her heart for the love she couldn't attain.

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