23. Real Self & Ideal Self

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The tension was thick and evident in V's Bakery kitchen as Jin waited patiently for his friend to reply him. Jin was curious and he wants to know why is Taehyung behaving discretely with Jungkook.

"You didn't bother to let him know about your real self Tae?"

The brown head scoffed at this. "I knew him for a month. Besides, what's the need to keep announcing I'm from a family where I don't want to belong anymore?"

"Regardless Taehyung, that's your family and you're a Kim. Try to deny the fact and skip the reality, that's right you can't."

Jin didn't intend to be the snooping type and force Taehyung to live on his identity as part of the elite Kim clan. He just didn't understand certain actions by Taehyung and couldn't justify why wouldn't Tae be honest with Jungkook about his true self.

"I don't need to tell him about my connection with VANTE simply because it doesn't change anything between me and Jungkook."

Taehyung doesn't understand why would Jin make such a big deal out of a small mole. Is there such a need to reveal his identity to Jungkook whom he befriended not too long ago?

"Well if you gonna keep looking at him like you did earlier, then believe me my friend you need to explain yourself truthfully to him. Jungkook doesn't deserve the mess you left behind which you're not done with."

Jin rests his case with his opinion as Taehyung watched his friend sighed. What did he mean by the way Tae look at Jungkook? Does he look at Jungkook differently? No. He doesn't.

"Before you boil your mind out, I'm saying that because I noticed your antics with Jungkook. We have been friends for decades Tae, you don't look at me like that. The certain fondness in your eyes only comes out when you're doing something you love. I've seen it."

Indeed, Jin was right. He has seen how passionate and dedicated Taehyung is to his bakery business. Something that always brings a smile to Jin's face when he sees Taehyung enjoy his work daily, baking and attending to his customers.

"What?" Taehyung shakes his head with confusion written all over.

"Trust me Tae. I won't be speaking this with you if I'm not certain. I thought you deserve an early heads up."

"You sound ridiculous Jin."

"Tell me that when I'm proven wrong. Not now buddy. Anyways, I'm gonna head out. I'll see you tomorrow."

Taehyung watched his friend excusing himself through the front door, leaving the brown head to himself. Sudden waves of unattended thoughts and questions venture inside Tae's mind. Why would Jin have the conversation with him? Did he behave differently with Jungkook that it's obvious for others?

What fondness was Jin talking about? Taehyung won't deny that he has a soft spot for Jungkook and from the second he gets to befriend the ravenette, he has been sincerely giving his attention and care for the younger. Something about Jungkook always compels Taehyung to be the protector and caregiver.

Taehyung knows he has a life which not many does in a normal society. He won't deny his status or family background. Being a part of Kim's elite clan screams royalty. One of the many reasons he didn't find the need to label himself or even marginally associate himself with his family is due to the fact he isn't fond of everything shining. When he chose his pathway to become a patissier, it was a huge clash back home. He didn't receive any support and you better believe how much Taehyung would have fought to get a loan from his own family for the passion he wishes to make a career out of.

It's been a few years and Taehyung is left with repaying a total of 80 thousand dollars which he hopes to settle within the next 5 months.

When he is so repentant of his family and status, why would he even think about bringing his newfound friend - Jungkook into the picture?

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