31. Lost & Found

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"So, you wanna tell me what happened after we got our ass drunk last night?" The sound of Jimin sipping on the hot mug of tea echoed disturbingly in Jungkook's ears.

The raven head gulped as he looked around his apartment trying to keep his eyes away from the blond head.

"Jungkook? I'm here." Jimin waved his arms in the air forcing Jungkook to look at him.

"Hey." The younger responded.

"Sit down Kooks, it's not an interrogation."

Jungkook was pretty sure it is. The way Jimin has his eyes narrowed at him with a knowing look on his face shows that the blond wanted to bombard him with the incoming truckloads of questions.

"Where are Hobi and Lou?"

"They went back before sunrise. They woke up halfway through the night and complained sick. I called an uber on them."

"What? Are you sure it was safe?"

"Mhm, the Uber driver's name is Yoongi."

"You called Yoongi at the crack of dawn to send them back?"

"Yea. He was up all night working on his music and I saw him buzzing me with texts when I woke up to pee so I asked him to assist. He doesn't live far so it's alright I guess? It's safer that way too."

Jungkook nodded. Thankfully the duo was sent home safe and sound by the mint head male. The younger can't imagine Jimin made Yoongi confide in his wish. There is something brewing between the two and Jungkook would like to know more.

"So Yoongi and-..."

"Don't Yoongi me before I Taehyung you." Jimin put down the hot mug of tea and looked over at the younger. Jungkook knows that there is no way around the situation. Jimin was bounded to enquire when he walked into the duo on the same bed, right after discussing Jungkook's feelings on the older.

Bear in mind that Jimin has no clue about Taehyung's real identity and the broken engagement.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook leaned back on the chair and waited for Jimin to shoot his questions down.

"How about we start from what Taehyung is doing at your house? What happened after we passed out?"

Jungkook sighed softly, running his fingers through the soft raven locks before breaking the stories in details on how did Taehyung ended up at his doorstep and what happened after that. The younger of the two did not bother to get into details about Taehyung's family fiasco as it was personal to what he shared between them.

"Bloody hell." Jimin gasped in astonishment. "So he really is the heir of VANTE? Well, he was supposed to be the CEO before he walked out of the family?"
Jungkook nodded. The ravenette kept his explanation simple by saying Taehyung lost his parents hence rendering the business to his aunt and how they refused to support his passion in becoming a patissier. The younger did not mention the supposed loan which Taehyung took from his aunt and repaying it in instalment.

"You know what Kooks? In a way, I do salute Taehyung for his bravery. He knows when to walk out and he did it right. He doesn't need to be with the people who shoot his dream down. He is a good guy."

Jimin grinned from ear to ear with the new fed information from Jungkook.

"That doesn't mean I looked past the fact that our lover boy is single!" Jimin clapped his hands like a seal, excited to sail the ship he lowkey was aiming to succeed.

Jungkook's ears perked up at this. He signalled for Jimin to be quiet as he turned his head back towards his room, afraid the older might be awake. It's too risky of a business to be alerting Taehyung at this point.

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