30. Goodnight Kisses & Rude Awakening

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"Bambi, when I said everything it means including my engagement with Maya. I'm no longer engaged to her or anybody."

Jungkook paused his thoughts momentarily. He felt like Taehyung just spoke a language he can't understand fully. The moment the brown head stopped speaking, that's the moment Jungkook's heart stopped beating for a second. The younger couldn't tell if he is happy or just in shock with the truth.



"Don't you want to know why I am not with someone else?"

Jungkook shakes his head. He doesn't want to hear the real reason. It's already bad enough he had to endure the fact that Taehyung is way out of his league. Now, he has to possibly endure another mini heart attack.


"Yea. I think that's your personal life Tae. I won't want to interfere."

"I told you earlier Kooks. You have all the rights to ask me any questions tonight. I am here to have a chat and I don't feel like sugar coating anything." Taehyung turned to the side, facing Jungkook's lower abs as Jungkook stiffened with the older's proximity against his belly.

Placing a pillow on his lap is a good decision.

"I have nothing to ask Tae. You can tell me if you feel like it. I'm all ears." Jungkook leaned back and unconsciously ran his fingers through Tae's brown locks. The younger wasn't aware of his action until his mind zapped into the realisation.

"Shit! I'm sorry, didn't mean to." He retraced his fingers like it was set on fire, nibbling on his fingernails.

Taehyung who was secretly enjoying the gentle brush on his hair giggled as he took Jungkook's fingers out of his mouth and placed them on top of his head. "It's alright, please continue. It feels good Kooks."

Jungkook nibbled on his lower lips. Secretly, he enjoys the feeling of being able to pamper Taehyung however he wishes to as well. The younger just didn't wish to go past his limit as a friend in the eyes of the older.

"As I was saying. I am not attached to anyone at the moment." Taehyung relaxed visibly, eyes slowly start to dry from the fountain of tears overflowed. "The moment I walk out of the family, that's when I lost my engagement with Maya."

Taehyung explained how he had a tough time making Maya understand that the wedding can't happen. At that time, Maya was still a teenager and couldn't agree with the decision. The poor girl already heads over heels on the man she had his eyes on since the day of coming to age.

It took a good few months for Maya to agree and decided to let Taehyung go. It's been 8 years since then but their friendship only continued to blossom. Although the duo can't stay as close friends, afraid of Maya's potential attachment with the brown head, they still managed to stay as close as they can without crossing any boundaries.

Something along with the story that Jungkook keep hearing started to make no sense to him. If Tae and Maya are not engaged then how is it possible he still saw the news updates on tabloid about Maya marrying into the VANTE Corp?

The column for socialites started to buzz with the news about the wedding which was set to take place in a few months. The news can't be wrong, can it now?

"Tae? If you're not gonna be married to Maya, then why does the tabloid news been publishing otherwise?"

A loud sigh released by Taehyung as the older abruptly sat up, almost hitting Jungkook on his nose. He ruffled his brown hair and turned back to look at Jungkook.

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