47. Planned Mistake & Suprise Bell

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Taehyung could feel his heart sinking. The only person he thought of securing the fund for is now washing the hands-off for help.

"Why the fuck is it out of your capacity to help your brother?" Jin was surprised with Yoongi reply. He was fuming in fact. The defeated look on Taehyung's face made Jin even more upset about it.

The brown head's shoulder sunk together with the weight in his heart as he watched Jin confronting Yoongi who looked like he just committed a murder.

"I am not doing it on purpose. You think I won't help Tae if I could?"

The mint head scoffed as he finds it funny how Jin easily jumps to the conclusion that he is not assisting Taehyung because he is being selfish. In Tae's early days when he walked out of the family, Yoongi was a constant as he ensured the patissier never lacked or suffered from insufficient.

"Jin, it's fine. I know Yoongi won't deliberately say no if he really can." Taehyung looked at Yoongi who seemed worried. "Yoongs, it's fine. I get it."

"Tae, I didn't say it purposely. I spent a fortune to move down here and I recently invested in BH's company as a new producer. A whole chunk of my savings went into investment. I didn't know you will be needing it."

Taehyung nodded at Yoongi. Of coz, he wouldn't know about Tae's desperate need. Taehyung himself wouldn't have guessed the situation to be unfolding as such.

"I know Yoongs. Don't worry, I'll figure something out."

"But Tae, what else is there to figure out? Are you going to take up a loan? Even that needs 2 whole weeks to process. That dumbass threatened you to repay in 5 days." Jin couldn't believe the audacity the younger Kallister has in threatening Taehyung.

"4 days." Taehyung replied nonchalantly.

The trio sighed as they realised that time is not in their favour. Not a single bit. "Maybe I really should go and beg him as he wished for." Taehyung clicked his tongue and laughed mockingly, feeling pathetic at himself.

"No fucking way. Do you think he only wants you to beg him for the marriage?" Jin crossed his arms. "That imbecile will want to negotiate or cause another turmoil when he knows you're desperate!" There is no way Jin will allow his friend to be in that state in front of Lucas.

"Then will you perhaps have a different way to support him? You have the amount to give it to him?" Yoongi asked when he saw Jin reacting without thinking of a solution for Taehyung.

"Guys, just chill alright? I can figure it out myself. You guys don't have to worry about it."

Taehyung couldn't help but feel sorry for bothering his friend and cousin brother about it. They are the two people who will wish everything good for Taehyung without indifference. The brown head knows that whatever it is, these two humans will have his back for now and forever.

"Jin? Can you take care of the business for today? I need to head out for something."

Suddenly, the brown head untied his bandana and his apron putting them back in places before asking Jin for his assistance. Together with Yoongi, the broad shoulder man agreed to run the business while Taehyung thanked them both, heading out of the bakery.

Watching Taehyung leave in a hurry created worries in both Yoongi and Jin.

"Do you think he will be ok?" Jin was watching Taehyung's figure growing smaller and smaller as the brown head walked to a distance, turning around the block disappearing into oblivion.

"I hope so." Yoongi felt guilty for not being able to help his cousin brother. He could have waited for another 6 months before the board meeting before putting his investment into the company.

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