26. Blossoming Love & Concerned Heart

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The golden hues of Easter morning shine through the window panels at V's Bakery announcing the bright start of the day. Excitement would be an understatement as Taehyung clocked in earlier than expected in the bakery today, anticipating the day with Jungkook's assistance.

Taehyung had a long night of thoughts and he wondered. Having Jungkook around made him at ease. The brown head concludes that the younger is a special friend that requires his special attention.

Time was 8 in the morning and Taehyung was all ready to open the business to the customer for he reached the bakery at 7 am, earlier than he usually would.

Soon, the time ticked to indicated 9 am.

It was time to open the door for business.

There was no sign of Jungkook.

Taehyung peeked into his phone for messages or any missed calls but he had none. He didn't know what happened which could have caused Jungkook's delay, he was low-key afraid of the potential hiccups the younger would have faced that forbidden his presence currently in the bakery.

With a minute on the clock to spare, Taehyung dialled then ravenette wanting to on him. Jungkook doesn't have the habit of being late, this is one thing that Taehyung admires on the younger.


It was unanswered.

Taehyung nervously dialled Jimin, the blond who potentially would have some idea on where the younger might be right now. If he is safe for that matter of fact.

Again, nothing. Jimin didn't answer the call either. Taehyung was panicking. Internally, he was rushing his thought to a conclusion he hates to envision. Another one more person flashed in Tae's mind making the brown head quickly dial the number which he knows and hopes will answer him.

"Hello Louis?"

"Hey. I'm good. Yea, I'm working today."

"Mhm. Louis, I have a quick question. Do you know where is Jungkook? He was supposed to be here by 830. Not only he isn't here, he is not answering any of my calls or messages either. Jimin is not as well."

"They are together? At Jungkook's?"

"I see. Thanks Louis. No thanks, I have plans after closing the bakery today. Feel free to have the gathering without me."


Taehyung dropped his arm with his hand clenching on the phone as he clenched his jaw in frustration. He found out from Louis that Jimin hung out with Jungkook late last night and this morning when he checked in, the best friends turned the game night into a sleepover.

Louis also informed Tae about their dinner party at Jungkook's and invited Taehyung to join as well. The brown head however turned bitter when he found out that Jungkook is spending time with Jimin instead of being here as promised.

That was so unlike Jungkook. When the door was knocked by early birds for their treats, Taehyung had to force his mind out of the trance he was in and put in a charming young patissier facade to entertain the customers walking into the bakery.

Guess he just has to hold the fort by himself today and with the knowledge of Jungkook ignoring him for some reason created another wave of discomfort in Taehyung.


In the comforting light of the day, Taehyung locked the front door to his bakery as he pocketed the silver keys into his pocket. He docked his head up and looked at the bright blue sky greeting him with the rays of sunshine. Internally, he was a gone case.

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