12. Sweet Relief & Aching Heart

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Longing is a road that most of us have walked. Sometimes, we know the reason behind a melancholic agenda twirling in our hearts. Sometimes, we are unable to identify the sense of longing we feel. It's a feeling of Saudade which remains alien to the humankind at most parts.

The sweet relief of wanting to identify the root cause and satisfy his need came undone to Taehyung. Neither was he able to find Jungkook nor did he manage to speak with Jimin as Yoongi was too damn worried about ruining his reputation in front of the blone man.

"Oh come on for fuck sake Tae! Stop sulking on me every god damn second!"

Yoongi had his last straw when he notices Taehyung was giving him cold shoulder since the night of the musical. it's been a whole day and Taehyung was clear in torturing his mint head cousin.

"What the fuck happened to you two?" Jin who was restoring the baked pastries on the glass shelf stopped to inspect the tension between the brothers. It's was an early morning on Sunday. V's Bakery usually picks it's pace when it's near lunch till early evening on days like this.

Today, the morning arrived gently with its golden hue ushering the blanket of the night before away, giving the streets a soft shine. As much as the golden sun graced its presence, it wasn't all sunshine and cherry for the brown head who was sulking with his brother's attitude.

"You denied my request." Taehyung pointed bitterly at his older brother. "He. He didn't allow me to speak with Jimin. I wanted to ask about Jungkook to his friend and my stupid brother over here does not have the balls to accompany me to speak with him."

"Wow, slow down tiger. Who has no balls? Yoongi?" Jin gasped. He is liking the drama baking in this household. "And why are you asking about Jungkook anyways?"

"I wanted to know if he is ok. This guy right here chickened out coz he is afraid Jimin might find him annoying. He has no balls to own up to his feelings."

"Why are we talking about my balls again?" Yoongi rolled his eyes, cheeks rested on the palms of his hands as he was leaning on the counter using the black wood surface to support his face.

"Shut up. Urgh." Taehyung complained as he retrieved to the kitchen when he heard the oven going off indicating his banana bread are done baking.

"What has gotten to him?" Jin pointed in the direction where the brown head patissier vanished while Yoongi continued to sigh for the nth time.

The mint head went ahead to explain that Taehyung spotted Jimin in the crowd last night and wanted to speak with him in regards to Jungkook. Yoongi added that he refused coz he is afraid they might bother Jimin and his friends as the mint head has been pretty playful in teasing Jimin, he didn't want to aggravate the blond any longer.

"Okay...but what is about you and your feelings?" Jin raised his brows questioning the mint head.

"F-feelings? I have no feelings." Yoongi blinked rapidly.

"Bullshit. Now I know what Taehyung meant. You have no balls Min Yoongi. You're crushing on the blond isn't it?"

Yoongi crossed his arms and stare at Jin who was challenging him with his knowing look. "For the nth time, I have no fucking feelings for that Jimin boy." The mint head finds it necessary to partially yell his statement cracking Jin into a wave of laughter.

After about a whole minute of laughing his ass off, Jin was able to calm down with a red flushed face showing just how much he had a good time laughing. "Boy, I want to see how you handle this." Jin used his index to point in the direction behind Yoongi while the mint head scrunched his brows in confusion.

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