22. Easter Bunny & Potential Heartache

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"Um hi."


"What is it Jin?" Jungkook looked up from his phone and finally paid attention to the broad shoulder man who kept greeting him for no reason.

Taehyung was long gone being called for duty behind the kitchen attending to the special Biscoff cookies he made for the weekend. The patissier knows these cookies will be well received by the crowd who visits the bakery on Easter weekend.

"Nothing. Just want to be your friend." The older flashed his handsome smile making Jungkook slightly curious about how can a man be truly this handsome? Yet, when the raven head turned his attention towards the kitchen, he did not doubt that this bakery not only became famous for its baked goodies and aromatic coffee, it also serves looks by the employee and boss.

"I guess we are?" Jungkook can't say for sure if they are but they know Taehyung and this is not the first time Jungkook is speaking with Jin.

"Well, we did talk briefly the last time you're here. But, we never talked talked you know."

Whatever that means, Jungkook was confused with the older boy's gesture.

"So Jungkook, I heard you're at Keller's? One of the top scholars I assume. Are you under the VANTE's scholarship for business?"

Jungkook gulped the last drop of iced latte courtesy of the brown head as he nodded at the older. The ravenette sat on a high bar stool, slightly leaning on the counter where Jin was standing behind. Taehyung did ask the younger to stay back so they can have dinner together and Jungkook isn't about to deny the opportunity.

"That's awesome Jungkook. You're talented. I know you're a professional boxer as well?" Jin was intrigued at the younger since the moment he noticed that Taehyung was paying more attention to his new friend than anyone else.

"I do it for some competitions. Not a true professional. I don't practice full time. Only when there is an upcoming competition."

Jungkook isn't the one to pay full attention to his boxing gig. He does it out of his interest in the sports as well as the amount of cash prize he can potentially win at the end of the competition. The bitter reality of not winning in his last match came in a flash to Jungkook's mind as he regretted not training hard enough. If and only if Jungkook won the competition, he wouldn't need to participate in another upcoming match.

"How do you choose which one would you participate in?" The curious older continued to drill his questions.

The raven head contemplated if he should state the real reason or just cook up some answers to satisfy the other's curiosity.

"I choose based on the cash prize." For some reason, Jungkook decided not to hide. Something about speaking to Jin eases his mind.

"Cash prize?"

"Yea. I am saving up for my own later in life. I'm not depending on my parents anymore. Since I can afford to win some competitions and earn a bit of cash, I decided to keep it for the future."

Jin nodded at the younger's truthful confession. He has to agree that something is enchanting in Jungkook which makes people want to wrap him in a bubble wrap to protect and love. Jin isn't surprised to know that Taehyung is intrigued by the raven head for how pure and kind he is as a person. After all the toxicity in Taehyung's life, Jungkook seemed like a cleansing force he needed.

"So, about VANTE. Did you perhaps tried out for their internship thingy?" Jin took a washcloth and mindlessly start cleaning the countertop, taking the emptied latte cup from Jungkook as the younger scrunched his brows mildly.

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