20. Sleep Over & Nonsense Thoughts

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"Well, that's a bummer that neither Jin nor Yoongles turned up."

Taehyung sadly throws his apron and dirty cloth on the kitchen table calling it a day. Time was ticking closer to 6 and it was the end of business for V's Bakery on a hustling Saturday operation.

"I guess they were busy?"

"Nah, they knew you were here so they bailed on me. Jin wanted to meet his friend and Yoongi said he was pursuing something which I have no clue about." Taehyung threw his arms in the air and rolled his eyes.

"They knew I was here?"

"Mhm, I told them that I'm holding up coz you're here."

Jungkook nodded. He is not that well acquainted with Jin or Yoongi so he isn't sure how to feel when he finds out that the brown head freely speaks with his friend and cousin brother about his existence.

"I guess that makes us two all alone again. Wanna clean up and close the shop?" Taehyung wiggled his brows, taking full advantage of the younger's muscles to put it into work. To the young patissier's surprise, Jungkook did an amazing job for a first-timer. Not only that, Tae did notice how much of a crowd-pleaser Jungkook was. 

The raven head didn't speak much. He did the bare minimum by taking orders and cashing them in. The crowd who visited the bakery surely took an additional liking to the ravenette who concentrated on his work, oblivious to the pairs of eyes running through him.

"Sure, I have no plans for the day. Might as well help you to close the bakery." Jungkook gladly accepted. To say he didn't enjoy his new avatar as the bakery boy would have been a huge lie. He loved every second of it. Nothing came as too tiring for Jungkook for the man has the stamina which can go on for days. He didn't spend much time talking but he did enjoy packing pastries, serving the customers especially little kids and cashing them all in.

At the end of the day, Jungkook ended his so-called shift with a huge grin on his lips when he noticed how much they made for the day by polishing the glass display clean from baked goods.

"You did so well today Kooks. I promise I will spare Jin's pay for the day to you. You deserved it."

Jungkook scrunched his nose. "Nope, I don't need the money Taehyung. I helped on my own will."

"I insist."

"Tae. That's fine. I'm not calculative alright? You're a friend and you needed help. Besides, you allowed me to stay over last night, so it's evened out." Jungkook's bunny grin was out for Taehyung to enjoy.

"Well...you had a good time staying at my place?"

Jungkook nodded. He did have a very good time spending the time with the older boy. It's almost like time slipped away without mercy as the ravenette wished the night could have lasted longer than what they spent.

"Then how about we do that again tonight?"


"How about we stay over again? This time can be at your place. I love to revisit sometime soon, maybe tonight will be a good night?"

Jungkook's eyes widened. Did he clean his house the last time he left it abandoned? He should have, right? Was the kitchen sink cleared off the dirty plates? Wait, think Jungkook think.

"You want to stay at mine?"

"Mhm, sounds like a plan? I mean we both have no plans. We are together now, so why not? I can cook or we can do some takeaways. How about a movie night as well?"

The raven head gulped looking at the exciting brown head who was talking non-stop about the potential evening plans they can have. He didn't even have the heart to reject the idea when he sees Taehyung spitting out the options for the movie which they can have.

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