51. Competition & Confrontation

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Being troubled is normal in a troubling environment. Jungkook couldn't believe his eyes as he was reading the note on his phone which came in as an announcement about the upcoming competition.

"Kook? Why are you not cuddling me?"

Taehyung was pouting as he tried to pull his boyfriend for the warmth he was missing on the bed in the early morning. Surely the brown head is not a fan to be greeted by an empty bed after an amazing night of sex he had with his boyfriend.

"I can't believe this."

"Can't believe that we had good sex?" Taehyung was joking as he curled up closer to his boyfriend who was sitting against the headboard with his phone in hand.

What Taehyung failed to notice is the confused and unamused look on Jungkook face as the younger was scrolling through multiple times, reading the content displayed over and over again.


"Huh what? Why am I stupid?" Taehyung was caught off guard as he sneaked his head out of the duvet. Adjusting his eyes to the brightness peaking through, he tried to find Jungkook beside him and pulled the younger who was heavily distracted on his phone.

"Taehyung! Ouch!"

Jungkook wasn't expecting the harsh pull on his arm which toppled him down. He only managed to regain his conscious thought with the sight of his handsome boyfriend.

"Why am I stupid?" Tae was straddling Jungkook at this point, grazing their naked bodies together, playing a dangerous game. The older was getting intrigued and the effect can be seen through his eyes and felt through his body as Jungkook gasped.

"Tae...um...you're on me." The younger blushed as he tried to cover his reddening face with not much success as both his wrists were enslaved under Taehyung's iron grip.

"You want me in you instead?"



"I mean...not now." Jungkook wants to dig a hole and bury himself.

"So we can do it again later?" Taehyung snickered as the younger gasped even louder. For an overgrown muscle bunny Jungkook, he for sure gets shy and timid when it comes to sensitive topics as such.

"Don't talk to me like that." The younger shifted his eyes to the side, unable to control the sly smile making its way to his luscious lips.

"I love you Bambi." Taehyung couldn't help his adorable eyes from stealing a glance or few at his boyfriend as he leaned down to plant a kiss on Jungkook's reddening cheeks. "Now tell me why did you call me stupid?"

"Gosh, I wasn't calling you stupid Tae. It was the competition manager."

"Competition?" Taehyung scrunched his brows thinking about the competition the younger was referring to. "Boxing match?" The brown head watched the younger nod at his question.

What is with the competition?

Taehyung couldn't understand so he asked Jungkook what went wrong and why was he upset about it. It was only then the older found out that the management for the match has made short notice to not only expedite the competition to that very weekend, they also changed Jungkook's opponent list altogether.

"Now I have to fight this huge hulk whom another champion who had never been defeated." The younger sulked. He wanted to win this competition but look what is happening to his planned agenda.

"Do you know why are they expediting the competition?"

"No idea, it just said that the management together with the sponsors have decided to hype it up sooner and get it done."

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