3. Boxing Match & Late Night Cravings

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"Yo Kook, tonight? 7 pm?"

Jungkook nodded at his friend Louis while he unwrapped the white hand wrap which supports his knuckles, wrists, fingers and gives firm protection for his boxing punches. "Yea, 7 pm."

"Borders Centre?" The smaller male asked for confirmation.

"Mhm. And you better be there in your best cheerleading avatar coz I will be needing it all tonight." The ravenette threw away the hand wrappers and combed his sweaty hair back with his fingers while sweat continued to glaze his chiselled body. The younger's body does not look like a body without hours of efforts put into it in the gym. Among all the other dedicated items on Jungkook's life list, boxing and working out is an utmost priority.

More simply, Jungkook's life motto does revolve around rather be dead than cool. He has discipline and dedication when it comes to his passions and Jungkook thrives to make end meets while keeping his top scorer card in college, quickly becoming the envy of many.

"You bet I will. Is this the match against Marcus?"

"Mhm." The raven head took off his sweat-drenched shirt and opt for a new pair while Louis was doing cooling-off stretches in their college gym.

"Damn. I heard he had never lost any matches since last year upon returning from a hiatus. He is a beast."

"Well, I have never lost a match since I start competing." Jungkook quenched his thirst with a smirk on his face while he gulped down the cool water, feeling the desire to beat this so-called Marcus burning in the pit of his stomach.

"That's true, my Jungkookie is a master of the beast!" Louis tackled the taller male in his arms while Jungkook whined about Louis's sweat coating him as the best friend duo made their way out to Jungkook's studio apartment to prepare for the fight.

Although it's a completely legal and healthy competition, Jungkook knows that the prize money he will win out of this will secure him a good amount of fund to kickstart his passion someday upon graduating. As much as he respects and loves his father, the younger one didn't wish to be a burden for any longer than he already was before.


"COME ON KOOK! YOU GOT THIS CHAMP!" Louis was cheering in the mid of a hundred mouths screaming cheers. He went to the extent of bringing a huge flag with Jungkook's handsome face printed across to flag it in the air. It was completely against Jungkook's idea of cheerleading for him in a boxing competition but there is not stopping Louis who in on fire supporting his best friend in winning his dream match.

"In 3, 2, 1. End. The winner for tonight ladies and gentlemen, JEON JUNGKOOK." The umpire holds up the red glove with a hard punch in the air as Jungkook catches his breath, sweat dripping from his head aligning the angular jaw which he clenched in a proud satisfaction. His eyes searched the crowd for his friend Louis a small goofy smile adorned his concentrated face when he watched his friend dancing with joy, hands gripping on the self-made flag.

"JEON JUNGKOOK. JEON JUNGKOOK. JEON JUNGKOOK." The cheer rang throughout the arena, clearly announcing to the world who the winner is tonight.

It made the younger's chest swell in pride and it was the end of the night for him when he watched Marcus laying unconscious on the floor, defeated for the first time by someone younger than him. It surely felt good and nothing made the victory sweeter than knowing he also cashed in a hefty amount for his savings.

"JUNGKOOK! That was awesome dude. You were a beast!" Louis head locked the raven head in his arm, careful to not cause any further damage on the bruises in the champion's body.

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