49. Ignored Boyfriend & Devil's Trouble

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"Yes, Bambi."

"Why are you meeting Mr Lim?"

Jungkook followed his boyfriend like a lost puppy. Earlier in the bakery, before the end of the hour, Taehyung excused himself with Jungkook while the rest stayed back to have light-hearted chats. The brown head was twisting his head with the next course of action for he knows he has to make a solid move if he wants to honour his own words.

"I need to honour my words Kook. I can't let Maya be forced by her family anymore. For her, I am willing to do just anything."

The younger wondered why is Taehyung so passionate about helping Maya? Not that he minds as he knows the brown head is an affectionate person. As he believes, no one deserves forced love.

"Yeah right." Jungkook went straight to the room, not bothered by the older one who was keeping away some groceries as they stopped by for some stocks for the next few days which Jungkook planned to spend with his boyfriend.

He can't pin the unsettling feeling inside his heart which left him wondering the reason behind his upsetting mood. Jungkook was never the one to sulk for things longer than it's necessary but somehow, he isn't in the cherry of a mood today.


"Hmm?" Jungkook was just out of the shower and changed into a pair of clean and comfy clothes belongs to Taehyung when he heard his boyfriend's voice echoed in the room. Taehyung must be calling him out for the dinner they packed to have.

"Dinner Bunny?"

"Yea. Coming." Jungkook felt a tingle in his heart with the new nickname Taehyung is calling him. The brown head knows how to shoot Jungkook's blood pressure to an anxiety level with just a sound of his voice.

"You had a shower?"

Jungkook nodded as Taehyung watched in disbelief the action his boyfriend was pulling through. With the sound of his name, Jungkook was out within the next five minutes after trying his best to not squirm with the sweet name-calling and unsettling feel inside his heart.

"Without me?" Taehyung sulked as he watched Jungkook's shocking face. The younger took a seat at the dining table where Taehyung has prepared the takeaway noodles on a plate, making it easy for Jungkook to devour it.

"Oh, didn't mean to exclude you. Just a long day out and training, wanted to freshen up faster."

"So you didn't deny my request to shower with you?" Taehyung's evil grin made an entrance turning Jungkook's cheek into a dusty pink powder.

"That not-..."

"Eat up Bambi, the food is getting cold." Taehyung sat down after leaning forward to ruffle the raven hair making Jungkook slump into his seat with a heated shyness as he took his cutleries to scoop the noodles.

He didn't take even 10 minutes before emptying the plate. All the while remaining silent. Taehyung was observing the younger without a word too. Thankfully the soft jazz music which always on the play when Taehyung is home softened the silence into a pleasant white noise.

Losing into the mind of his own, Jungkook wasn't aware of the burning questions brewing in Taehyung's mind about the sudden shell of silence the younger is crawling into.

"You can leave the dishes here Kook, I will run the dishwasher. You wanna take some snacks to the room and we can watch something on the TV?" Taehyung indicated as Jungkook wasn't looking very thrilled to engage in conversations at the moment.

"Sure." The younger didn't fail to give his boyfriend a small smile while he took some chips with the variation of vegan and cheesy ones for himself and Taehyung. As he is under a very strict regime, Jungkook is careful with what he eats keeping his sinful actions to the minimum.

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