6. Silverbeam & New Friend

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"You live alone?" Taehyung asked as he popped the can of soda in his hand while Jungkook opened his own.

Never would in his wildest dream the raven head have envisioned the image of meeting a certain brown head become feasible on his way to stock up his cans of soda. Time was swiftly passing by after Jungkook sat down for his presentation preparation. When the young business student needed a can of soda to frizz up his mind, he was greeted with an empty fridge. That pulled his feet up out and about ready to replenish his stock when fate decided to make a little twist on this chill breezy night.


Both the males sat at a bench, facing the tame lake reflecting the silver beams as the crinkled surface of the water carried a subtle shine of the moon. The weak limbed trees arching over the pair danced rhythmically to the night breeze dangling ever so slightly from time to time.

The low dimmed pathways are not the safest looking for a single person to explore, but it's surely a perfect place to spend with someone close to hold.

In our context, we are not exactly there yet as Taehyung and Jungkook currently sat at the steel bench a good couple of meters apart. When they bumped into each other, Taehyung was the one to initiate the conversation as Jungkook was too dumbfounded to utter a single word. It may be due to the shock of accidentally bumping the older or it may due to the casual fitting on Tae's body that threw Jungkook off guard.

The young patissier is not wearing his apron, nor he has his brown locks pushed back in a bandana. It was a look registered on Jungkook's mind from the bakery's encounter. Right at this moment, Jungkook involuntarily steals a glance at his companion to find wavy brown locks falling over his eyes, shielding his sinful forehead for the sake of humanity hiding his prominent brows underneath. The older side profile was prominent through his angular jawline with a nice curve on his nose, making it so bop-able. Taehyung has also changed into a more casual t-shirt, with his sleeves rolled up, showing the definition of his muscles which Jungkook knows born out of the hours kneading flours and heavy lifting the raw goods at the bakery.

"...aren't you?"

"I'm sorry, you were saying?" Jungkook was almost ready to throw himself over the lake when he noticed the confused look on Taehyung's face as there was a visible pause at the end of whatever he was muttering.

"You didn't hear me?"

"I was...I did but do you mind repeating?" Jungkook nervously took a sip of his frizzy soda as the bubbles hit him strong in his brain.

Taehyung chuckled as he repeated his question which the younger has missed. "I said, you're a student aren't you?"

Jungkook nodded. Did he look so obvious as a student to Taehyung? Or is he looking very young to Taehyung's liking? The raven head raised both his brows with his weird thoughts as he shakes his head to knock the foreign thoughts away while he took another sip from his soda can.

"That explains. It's either you're working late at night hence you need all the sugars or you're a student. My deductions might have been wrong but I have always had a good instinct. Plus, you're looking relatively young."

A weird tingling feeling bubbled inside Jungkook's chest. It isn't a grandiose feeling. He hated that rise of bubbles. "You think I look young? Do I look like a kid to you? Is that what you're implying? You don't look too old yourself."

Taehyung's brow arched with the stern tone emitting from Jungkook and his choice of reply. "That's like the most you have spoken to me since we met." The older of the two smiled as he sent a harmless wink over to the younger which immediately tumbled Jungkook's little heart over.

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