19. Cuddles & Date

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Waking up to the brightly lite sun shining through the face of the earth is poetry on its own. The raven head nuzzled his nose on a soft surface he buried his face in and inhaled deeply. Such a sweet and warm morning to lose the comfort he felt the night before.

He lazily cocooned himself further into a fist of ball snuggling deeper into the warmth.

"I didn't know you're a morning cuddler."

Jungkook's heart hammered sharply jolting him awake from the deep sleep he was diving into. He jumped up so fast as he didn't notice where he landed in the process.

"Morning Bambi."

The raven head is currently still laying on top of the older who wore a lazy smile at the corner of his lips, arms underneath his head. That's probably how Jungkook would have wanted to wake up to in the morning if and only if this fine specimen is his man.

Unfortunately, the thought of looking at the sinful Taehyung flexing his biceps in the morning makes Jungkook's heart sink like a Titanic ship.


"Don't be, I like cuddles." Taehyung quickly grabs hold of the younger's waist who tried to detach his body from the older. "Thanks for sleeping over, I had a very good night sleep last night."

Jungkook nodded as he was unable to hold his head high and look into the intoxicating hazel orbs which lured him in more than it should. The raven head was ready to keep things at an arm's length by strictly treating the older as a friend. Looks like it's failing pretty miserably. And fast too.

"Um, can I freshen up?" The raven head asked when he noticed Taehyung was not making any move to let him go.

"Sure, the bathroom is right there. Look into the cabinet beside the sink for the supplies."

Finally, the raven head sighed in relief internally when he felt the grip around his waist loosen. It was a struggle to detach himself from the older and it was a pain to walk with Taehyung's eyes bearing holes at the back of his head. Jungkook knows for sure that the hazel orbs are following his every move for he caught a glimpse of Taehyung checking him out through the mirror at the side of the room angled for his view.

By the time when Jungkook was done and changed into the clothes from the previous day, he noticed the bedroom was neatly made with not even a wrinkle on the bed shared by him and the older. The thought about sleeping in the same bed with Taehyung made Jungkook's heart flutter in all kind of ways.


"Hm?" The younger turned in the direction of the kitchen as he walked out of the room catching the older calling out for him.

"Do you want some breakfast?"

"No, that's alright. I have extended my stay here more than needed. I can't trouble you with breakfast."

"Stop speaking rubbish Kook. Firstly, you're not a guest, you're a friend. A friend means a family member, so you're Jungkook, you're my family. I can do anything for a member of my family. Now sit right here, take this cereal and milk."

Taehyung placed several containers of cereals, some bananas and milk for Jungkook to ensemble his bowl.

"I'm sorry I can't spend the time cooking. You see, it's already 9 am and I am supposed to open the bakery at 10, we don't have much time."

"Oh don't be Tae. I'm fine with cereal. It's one of my favourite go-to options when I am not on diet." Jungkook happily grabbed hold of the sugary delight with a sprinkle of milk soaking the bowl. To get hold of the maximum nutrient in his breakfast, Jungkook cut some banana slices to fill it up. He looked up to see Taehyung smiling at him while the older placed a few strawberries on his bowl.

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