35. Ice Cream & Lillies

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Dragging his feet on the pavement to his apartment has never felt as dreadful as the late afternoon scene he was being forced to be a part of. Jungkook lost his energy to function for the day when he was hit with the news that Taehyung has left the bakery, potentially forgetting their second date.

What seems like a step forward stumbled back like ten steps backwards where Jungkook's sore enemy called insecurity engulfed him whole. Although courting doesn't give them an ultimatum or definite commitment, Jungkook would be lying if he was to say he wasn't hoping for them to eventually start a serious relationship.

When the road to their second date turned out a dead end, the younger can't help but wonder will he be worth it for someone like Taehyung.

Clicking his keys on his fingers and fishing out his access card, Jungkook finally had an ounce of energy to lift his head to swipe his card on the sensor, letting the blinking light turn from red to green allowing him access to his lobby.

Not only he didn't get to meet Taehyung, but Jungkook was also bumped that he couldn't schedule a last-minute workout in the gym as it needed a day before scheduling.

Guess he will just have to endure the lonely evening together with a cup of instant noodles and wait for Taehyung to respond. On his way back, Jungkook dropped a text to Tae not wanting to ring the older afraid he might be caught up with matters. Jungkook could have dropped a call instead as it's been two hours and still no reply from Taehyung.

The younger's mind did all it could to fall into the negative pit and disappointment thinking about the event as he reached his floor to shut the day away.


If there is a light at the end of the tunnel and if it's just like how people would narrate it as the saving grace and hopeful outlook, then this might have been how it feels as Jungkook's neck snapped so fast to the direction of the voice, he thought his head would have rolled on the floor by the force. A sense of euphoria and sudden enlightenment hit his whole being as he saw a familiar brown head by his door.


"Gosh I missed you." Taehyung did a little tumbling run towards Jungkook in the short distance as he engulfed the male in his arms. Standing just slightly taller by build, Jungkook nuzzled his way through to the older's nook of the neck, taking in the warmth he missed.

"Me too."

Although it's only been a week or slightly more since the duo's confrontation, Jungkook didn't waste his time to be completely relying and sensitive around Taehyung. A sense of security and dependency is what Jungkook finds in Tae and the younger shows it in the bright daylight without hiding how he feels.

"You wanna open the door? I have been here for about half an hour." Taehyung planted a gentle kiss on the temple of Jungkook's head as he watched Jungkook growing concerned.

"Why didn't you call me?"

"My phone died on me Bambi." Taehyung wanted to show the condition of his lame phone but was unable to when he noticed he has no way to take them out of his pocket as his hands were full with brown bags and a medium-sized wrapper containing something he got for Jungkook.

"Here, for you." The older extended his right hand and handed Jungkook the wrapper with stalks of beautiful lilies and some eucalyptus which the younger loves.

"For me?"

"Mhm, aren't we suppose to go on a date?" Taehyung gently pinched the younger's cheeks which doesn't seem to hold many fats due to his extremely toned body but still tried as his action turned Jungkook into a condition similar to the beetroots.

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