5. Iced Americano & Addiction

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Jungkook wanted to slap his face for the stuttering he just did. How can the raven head think about embarrassing himself in front of an ungodly creature like the one he is facing at the moment. Truthfully, the brown head male looked like a seraphic being.

"Coffee you said. Iced Americano?" Taehyung asked with a smile on his face when he noticed the slightly younger-looking male blinked heavily without replying.


"Right up."

Damn those fingers. Jungkook wants to hang himself. Is he so deprived of attention that he starts fantasising with someone's fingers alone? He watched like a hawk as the brown head skilfully tampered the powder, pressed it nice and equal, pouring extract into a cup filled with ice.

"Iced Americano right up. That'd be 2 dollars." Tae was cleaning off the countertop while he waited for Jungkook to pay up.

"You're a friend of Louis?"

Jungkook who sipped on his coffee almost chocked when the handsome brown head male continued the conversation which he thought was over. The raven head male isn't the best when it comes to social interaction and he wonders how Louis does it. Having followed him for all his Uni life, Jungkook surely admires his friend's outgoing personality. Maybe staying with Hobi rubbed off a little on Louis. Either way, Jungkook isn't complaining.

"You know Louis?"

"Mhm. He came in last night when I'm about to close the shop."

"Right. The carrot cake."

"You tried the cake?"

"Yea. I ate it before we left for real food." Jungkook didn't know why he finds the need to answer the male who he has no clue about. Guess he was enchanted by the light hazel eyes and intoxicated with the deep oceanic voice which was an octave lower than what Jungkook have commonly heard among males.

He was further caught off guard when the said male dropped his head back in a fit of laughter while his eyes creased into a half-moon.


Jungkook watched and waited for the other to explain the amusement. Meanwhile, he is surely enjoying the view.

"How can a cake not be real food? It is in my opinion one of the best invention out there. Dessert in general. I'm not a cake person myself but I love baking them."

"You don't like cakes?"

Jungkook watched the brown head contemplate. It was visible on his face at how he was thinking about answering the question tactfully.

"Between me and you, I don't like desserts." Again the same intoxicating laugh which Jungkook finds tickling his lips to a curve, bringing a smile to his face.

"I see you've become friends with my Kookie."

"Your Kookie?" Jungkook did a mental flip when he heard the said brown head clarified. A string of confusion lacing in the patissier's face.

"Yep. He is the one I told you who enjoyed the cake immensely. This is Jungkook. My best buddy." Louis throws his free arm around Jungkook's slightly inching on his toes as the ravenette stood a few centimetres taller.

"Oh. That's you." Taehyung's smile widened as he wiggles his brows. He already knows that anyway.

"Yea. And he also said he would like to kiss the hands of the person who baked it."

Jungkook wanted to dig a hole and bury himself when he heard the fast approaching broad shoulder man saying things with a huge naughty grin on his face.

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