11. Show Opening & Missed Opportunity

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"Jimin, for the nth time, you will be fine. The show will be amazing this evening." Hoseok needed to give his assurance to the blond male who was on the verge of throwing up due to his panic state.

"What if I slip and fall? What if my fingers are not on point? I won't fall and break my neck when I do the mid-air twist isn't it?"

"Gosh, you make it sound like you're prone to accident or something. It's a dance Jimin. You're not going on a battle." Louis who was chilling by the couch watched the two dancers warm up with Jimin's constant panic mode. "Besides, you're such an amazing dancer. You're going to woo the crowd in no time."

Louis knows for sure that Jimin will ace the routine. He is dancing to a song titled Black Swan and apparently, Jimin is the chosen lead dancer for the 3-minute solo ballet routine.

"I hope RM doesn't disqualify me right away after seeing the reaction from the crowd. He even went to the length to invite his crush to the show, I hope I am not the reason his crush runs out of the show for poor quality-..."


"You don't have to yell you know. I have a sensitive heart."

"And I have a sensitive ear Jimin which you just broke." Hoseok crossed his arms at the blond who rolled his eyes as he continued to run through the routine at the back of his mind. At least, he stopped talking.

"Yo Louie, are you heading to Jungkook's match in an hour?" Hoseok turned to his housemate who was busy texting on his phone.

"Yep, I will make my way to Jimin's after Jungkook's match. We got the schedule, his will be the last fight. As expected. I'm not sure if he can make it to Jimin's opening."

"I rather have him well rested after the match instead of attending my show. God knows how will he end up. I'm aware he will have a tough match tonight."

Louis nodded at Jimin indicating each word in his statement is bloody right. The male is worried for his friend and it shows clearly with the concerned look on his face. The last thing Jimin should be worried about right now is anything apart from his dance.

"Did he call you?" Hoseok asked as he wondered if the younger manage to reach out.

"He did. You know him Hobi. He is such a good friend. He apologized in advance if he can't make it. I wished him luck. That's all." Jimin explained the chat he had with the younger and said he is completely fine with Jungkook missing the show. They understand why he has to do what he ought to do.

"Louis, please keep an eye on him? I have to be with Jimin for the rehearsals so I won't be there. Do call me immediately if you know..."

"It won't happen but yea, I will."

At times like this, all three of them are Jungkook's best wishers. They always ensure to keep an eye on the ravenette knowing he won't be asking for it upfront but they know that this is what Jungkook needs, support from a friend with no strings attached.


"I'm sorry, I didn't see you-...you?" Jimin's eyes popped open as he was rushing out from the changing room after getting dressed in a beautiful black silky shirt, complementing his opening title - Black Swan. In reality, Jimin looked like a sinful angel, dressed in black. So ethereal.

"Hey blueberry."

"Firstly, it's Jimin. Secondly, ew what the fuck? Can you not ruin my favourite fruit by calling me that way?" Jimin rolled his eyes, clearly catching the amused look on the mint head male. How ironic is it for him to stumble across the one guy he printed as a fuckboy not too long ago?

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