33. Broken Confession & Interrogation

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"I like you."

Taehyung's eyelid opened and closed rapidly. His brain stuttered for a moment.

"Yea...I like you as well Kooks."

For a second, just a brief second, Jungkook was exhilarated. It was not until the very next moment that the younger noticed that Taehyung probably understanding his confession very wrongly.



"I like you. Romantically."

Taehyung's eyes wandered in the younger's face. Eyes captivated by the dark onyx he was hooked to. The older was sure he heard the younger right but the sudden confession caused his mind to went into a shock.

"Tae. I'm sorry if this is too much. I shouldn't have said anything. I didn't even ask you about your sexuality and here I am making a mess of our friendship." Jungkook chuckled nervously as he unlaced their entwined fingers, feeling the older's skin burning on his.

"Jungkook, I-..."

"Taehyung, you don't have to feel obligated to respect my feelings or whatever it is ok. I thought you should know how I feel and it's only fair I say it out. You're a friend regardless, I know-..."

Jungkook's word avalanche was cut short when he felt a sudden pressure in his left cheeks.

"You're rambling Bambi."

The younger felt a cold wind rushing past his body in the late spring afternoon. The cool air probably will be nothing on Jungkook compared to the chills running down his spine. Did Taehyung just kiss him?

"It's good you're comfortable to start speaking but maybe also learn to listen. What comes importantly after a confession is the answer of someone you confessed to." Taehyung leaned back, afraid he might send Jungkook into overdrive.


"Listen Kooks, firstly, thanks for telling me honestly how you feel about me. I'm not here to judge Jungkook. When we first started becoming friends, I started to cherish you a little more than the others because I had a huge sense of protective over you."

Am I just someone younger you want to protect?

Jungkook dropped his head as his dark onyx turned glossy. He should have thought about things through before taking in Jimin's honest suggestion. Maybe today was not the right time to be blindly admitting to Taehyung about his feelings.

"Don't get me wrong Kook. I didn't mean it like you're my brother kind of way. I like you. I'm not sure how romantic it can be, but to answer your question, I'm bi-sexual too."

A small smile crawled into Taehyung's lips as he cheekily ran his tongue over his lower lips. He knows Jungkook has been watching him through the corner of his eyes. It was evident when the younger's cheeks burned bright red as Taehyung's heart did a satisfying flip.

The night before was the perfect time when Taehyung had a routine check with his heart. When he received the phone call from Namjoon, again about the same old tale with Mr Kent urging him to return to the corporate and probably look into the marriage annoyed Taehyung to the core.

At first, when he moved out of the family, Taehyung still had a lot of love and compassion towards his aunt and uncle. They did what they have to do for the family business and Taehyung will forever be grateful for the roof over his head that they provided.

Over time, with time passing by and everyone grows a little older and mature in the story. He realized that at this point of his life not many people are on his priority list. When he closed his eyes to ponder, Jungkook made quite a top cut on his list with a special preference. With this, Taehyung noticed the status change and with the long story shortened, here he is at a park bench with a younger man confessing his true feelings.

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