42. Identified Love & Uninvited Guest

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State of catatonic.

That's probably the closest state of condition which Jungkook was caught up in as Jimin broke the bubbles of his obliviousness into pieces.

"You're in love with Tae, aren't you Jungkook?" The blond repeated once again. Jimin knows that there is no other explanation on why would Jungkook be so caught up in ensuring Taehyung is not having a tough time.


Hoseok watched the younger stutter and couldn't make a complete sentence out to explain himself.

"Jungkook, you can be honest with us. We don't judge Kooks." Hoseok mentioned when he saw how Jungkook struggled to keep his eyes focused as it wonders everywhere.

"I don't know how to say it." Jungkook dropped his head admitting he isn't sure about his feeling towards the older. Is it too early to be in love with someone you just decided that you're attracted to? "Isn't it too soon to classify it as love?" The younger further added unsure of how he truly feels.

Jimin for a fact could read through his best friend and can sense the hesitation in Jungkook for the raven head doesn't seem to fully understand how is he feeling anyway.

Love can be a silent emotion that embeds in the oxygen we breathing providing us with a little something to leverage on to ensure our heartbeats with the promise of seeing another day. Love is what makes us truly who we are, the energy that brings us to life.

"Kook, there can never be such thing as time exists in love. When you love someone, you can feel it in a heartbeat and let it last eternally. There is nothing wrong with falling for someone you just met." Hoseok couldn't bear to see his younger friend diving deep into a conflicted mess.

"I know time doesn't matter Hobi. That's why I am being very careful in pursuing my relationship with Tae. It was only last night he said he likes me too. I can never put my love for him forward and scare him off."

"So you admit you love him now?" Jimin wiggled his eyes as Jungkook looked like a deer caught in the headlight.


"Kook, I swear to God if you're gonna be stuttering when you confess to Taehyung I am gonna murder you with my bare hands." Hoseok gasped loudly as he face-palmed himself.

"I'm not confessing!"

"Then be ready to lose Taehyung." Jimin shrugged his shoulders off.


"Then tell him how you feel!"

"NO!" Jungkook gasped even louder. The younger felt the jitters mixed anxiety kicking in when the cat is out of the bag in front of the friends. It wasn't a puzzle for Jungkook to acknowledge his feeling for Taehyung. He didn't know saying it out loud will make it as real and as scary compared to keeping it internally.

"Jungkook, buddy, will you listen to us?" Jimin inhaled deeply before he starts speaking.

"What?" Jungkook didn't look at the older, instead, he was busy fiddling on his pillow distracting himself from the confrontation.

"You need to be honest with Taehyung."

Jungkook didn't know how he feels about being honest with Taehyung. He did not wish to scare the older off only a day after he willingly admitted his feelings to the ravenette. Jungkook still listened to the blond friend of his. Often, Jimin is a good friend who gives the best advice. Apart from Hoseok of coz.

"Kook, Jimin is right. I can't emphasize how dumb some people are by hiding how they truly feel or choose to not be honest. That's usually one of the reasons why couples fight or eventually doesn't work out. How tough it is to be truthful?" The copper head couldn't understand why people will ignore that the best policy is the honest policy.

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