37. Blushing Cheeks & Flour Dust

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"Can I kiss you?"

Nervous and anxious feelings are there to protect you. Or that's what they would say on a normal day. Right at this very moment, Jungkook is sure he is losing his chills with the words ringing in his ears.



Taehyung's eyes did a dangerous take on the younger's lips as his right thumb did a gentle brush across the ravenette's plump lips. If and only if Taehyung were to pinch on the younger's lips, it'll probably drip of sweet honey, that's how inviting it looked to the older.

"Can I?"

The younger gulped at the older's question. The tip of his ears burned in the heat as his cheeks grew hotter by the second his face stayed caged in Taehyung's palms.

The state of the younger blushing made the brown head's heart race as Taehyung continued to stare at the younger's sweet candy lips and flustered cheeks. The image of Jungkook looking so innocently sinful is drawing Taehyung's beast out.

"Bambi, yes or no? I can't hold you like this forever and not do something. Words baby, I need words."

Baby? Holy shit!

"Y-yes p-please." Jungkook's mind was boggling. He was stuttering as his heart continued to hammer. How do people stay cool and unaffected when they kiss? Jungkook was about to combust at this point.

"Sure." Taehyung was like a devil granted access to a sweet innocent soul. He licked the lower half of his lips and gently pressed them on Jungkook's.


A tumble was making its grand entrance at Jungkook's core when he felt the first pressure caving in with the older's lips on his. Taehyung on the other hand holds back a moan he was suppressing when he finally get to taste the nectar he was eyeing all night. Not going to lie, the thought about kissing Jungkook sounded divine in Tae's mind but he didn't ask to be knocked back to heaven feeling the younger's soft cloudy lips on his.

The pressure was gentle and forceful at the same time. Nothing too intense for their first intimacy and Taehyung was dying to do just a little more.

"You're amazing Bambi."

Taehyung wanted nothing but to wrap Jungkook in a bubble and love him all day long. The older couldn't deny his growing emotion towards the younger. It's a feeling that the young patissier can't point his fingers at. He has dated girls in the past and genuinely can confess his love for them, but nothing beats the feeling budding inside him for the young ravenette.

Jungkook's tear fell through the corner of his eyes, staining the older's fingers which never left his cheeks even when they kiss.

"Why are you crying Bambi?"

Coz I think I love you Tae.

Those unspoken words brought even more salty and warm tears down Jungkook's cheeks as the younger lose control over his emotion. Jungkook is scared of how fast and hard is he falling for the older. Will his confession drive the older away?

"Nothing, I'm just happy." Jungkook gave the older a weak smile as he blinked his eyes clearing the remaining tears down his flushed cheeks.

Will he be able to cherish this moment and every other one with the man he loves?

"You're scaring me Kook. Please don't cry, I will not kiss you again." Taehyung gently tilted the younger's dipped head and looked into his glossy doe eyes.

"No! It's not about that."

"So it means you want me to kiss you again?"


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