21. Potential Lies & Hearty Eyes

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"Tae? Hello?" Jin waved his hand in front of his boss after placing a few packets of flours on the table when Taehyung started to roll the doughs.

It was a fresh Monday morning, streets were bustling with office goers and errand runners. It was the Monday after an eventful night of sleepover the newfound friends had. Sunday night was a bummer as Jimin insisted for Jungkook to meet the gang for dinner, snapping his time short with Taehyung.

The older didn't mind but he was a little upset he couldn't have spent the time with Jungkook as expected. Taehyung had an idea to close the bakery and bring Jungkook to a relaxing cafe-studio session where they get to enjoy some coffee/wine while paint as per their wishes. It's a new activity in town which Taehyung has been dying to experience.

Guess it wasn't a success when Jungkook received a call on Sunday morning from the blond head, demanding him to spare the rest of the day for Louis, Hoseok and himself.

With that said, Taehyung, unfortunately, needed to pack himself and excuse the younger's abode.

"Yea?" Taehyung notice he was lost in a trance as he continues to roll the pin he pressed in the dough, ironing them flat for cookie cutters. He was preparing for the coming Easter weekend, knowing a lot of cookie orders will come in like flashflood.

The new Biscoff cookie recipe he made was selling off the chart creating a massive demand each time there is an event or celebration around the corner. Hence this time around, the brown head patissier decided he will make batches of Biscoff cookies as a complimentary for those who purchase their goodies at V's Bakery.

"Did you not get enough rest over the weekend?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and almost throw the rolling pin at his friend. Jin was looking at him with a nonchalant expression which pissed Taehyung a little.

"Asks the person who did not report to work for 3 days!" Taehyung scoffed at his best friend who was hiding his erupting laughter while Jin's entire face dipped in red.

"Well seems like you had your assistance so I very conveniently took some time to recuperate." 

"Please, don't exaggerate." Taehyung shoved his hand in front of Jin's face while the older fell to the side hugging his waist, laughing out loud.

After a minute or two, Jin was calmer as he sat on top of the clean countertop, few metres away from Taehyung's dough station to keep himself safe from unwanted attacks. "So, how is Jungkook?"

Taehyung who was pressing a medium-sized bunny cutter into his Biscoff dough replied without looking at his friend. "What about Jungkook?"

"You guys seemed close. How is he? You know Judy will not be happy." Jin crossed his arms, still within his playful antics.

"Stop making it sound like Judy is my girlfriend or something, it's gross. She is my little cousin, and she is 10 years old. People might assume incest. Ew, and worse case, paedophile case."

"She was the one who insisted she is your girlfriend. She has a crush on you Taehyung. I didn't lie. When she was 8, she went around with her friends and said you're her boyfriend."

And that's how the lame joke about Judy being Taehyung's girlfriend came into play. As much as it sounds so wrong for a 26-year-old at that time to act like an 8-year-old's boyfriend, Taehyung had no choice as Judy will demand all his attention and bawl her eyes out if he refuses. That was also how she demanded Taehyung to have her room in his double bedroom apartment without allowing anyone else to occupy it.

Taehyung being a sweetheart, obliged to the little girl's command and loved her to bits and pieces. After 2 years, Judy has grown a lot bigger and mature but she still has this impossible soft spot for Taehyung and can quickly become clingy with the older whenever he is around.

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