Epilogue (2): Me & You

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Taehyung's brain made a pause while his mind tried to make a connection. Taehyung is not a fool. He knows very well where is he standing and the people surrounded him. Early this morning, Tae left the house and Jungkook alone when he received a call from Yoongi about an important meet up.

The brown head wasn't entirely aware of the plan brewing in Jungkook's pot as he cluelessly accompanied Yoongi to look for a ring which he claimed was to propose to Jimin. Of coz, Taehyung thought it was out of the blue since the duo were not discussing settling down anytime soon.

He followed the mint head around while Jungkook did what he could to rise from the bed after a wild night with his lover and made his way to meet Jimin and the rest.

Where they are at the moment? If you have not guessed it already then feel free to digest that they are all gathered at V's Bakery, the place where Taehyung put all his effort and heart in before giving it away to settle his debt with Aunt Sara.


"What is going on? Why are we here Kook?" Taehyung walked ahead towards his boyfriends. "Don't pull a prank on me alright. You promised not to propose until I do it." The older nervously chuckled as he remained clueless.

"I am not proposing Tae. I will leave it to you someday." Jungkook winked at the older as he pulled Taehyung closer for a quick kiss. "I missed you this morning."

"Really? Couldn't get over the taste of last night?" Taehyung momentarily forgot the fact they have a set of audience before he grabbed hard on Jungkook's ass and give it a gentle squeeze.


"GUYS! PDAs are not allowed!" Hoseok panicked for a second before closing Maya's eyes as the beautiful brunette giggled in delight.

"Hobi, stop it. They are just two people in love." Maya yanked away from her fiancee's hand as she leaned into peck Hoseok's reddening cheeks.

"Sometimes, I wonder who wears the pants in their relationship." Yoongi commented as he crossed his arms at the straight couple taking in Hoseok's playful glare.

"Yoongles, that's enough. We are not here to make commentaries. We are here for them." Jimin pointed at the couple who was standing in the centre, taking in all the attention.

Taehyung let go of Jungkook as he turned to Jimin. "Then will you let me know why am I here? Is the bakery not open for business today?" Tae took a 360 turn around scanning the environment which he missed so dearly. It's been 2 years since he stepped his foot inside the bakery sparing him all the miseries.

"Tae. Happy Birthday."

The brown head's eyes widened when his mind hit a realisation of the thought about what day is it.

"Birthday? My Birthday?" Taehyung pointed at himself. He completely let forgotten about the date and the fact that it's his birthday today. The day he is turning 30.

"Yes my dear. Happy birthday." Jungkook boldly pulled his boyfriend in for a kiss which Taehyung did not deny as the entourage around the couple brought out their party hats and pop the confetti which stayed hidden at the corner.

"And...welcome back to V's Bakery. It's your birthday gift." Jungkook pecked his boyfriend's lips as his doe eyes glistened with so much love for the man in front of him.

"Thank you Bambi. It feels nice to be celebrating in this place for once which no longer belongs to me-..."

"Tae, love? Welcome back to V's Bakery." Jungkook emphasized his words again as he dangled a set of keys in front of Taehyung making the older gasp in surprise. "This is for you. This bakery belongs to you and no one else Tae."

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