53. D-Day & Aftrmath

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"Are you nervous?" Jimin turned to the side and found the young raven head warming up in his boxing gloves, breaking a sweat or two.

"I cannot lose this Jimin." Determination burned like fire in Jungkook's eyes as the younger continued to throw punches at the punching bag, gaining his momentum.

"Take it slow Kook." The blond male sighed as he looked at the furious state Jungkook was in, throwing punches like he was about to murder the sandbag. For some reason, the younger's determination for today's competition scared Jimin.

15 minutes later, the speaker at the preparation room echoed with the notice to call upon Jungkook as the next fighter versus another one of the industry's regaining champion - Steve. Steve has been joining competitions since he was 15 years old, someone who has been trained and sculpted by the very best mentors in the ground who have never lost any competitions before.

Part of Jungkook scares the history of losing his last competition will recur and there is nothing worse than having to go through it twice. More so, Taehyung is sitting in the crowd today to support his beloved and Jungkook hates the idea of losing.

"Whatever happens out there, don't worry. We will all be cheering for you. More importantly, Taehyung will be there for you." Jimin gave his younger friend a good old hug before walking out of the room as only competing players will be allowed to remain in the room for the competition hour.

"Is he ok?" Taehyung gasped as he rushed into the crowd when he saw Jimin walking towards him with his head hung low.

"I think he is stressing himself out Tae."

"I know he will do that." Taehyung sighed as he closed his eyes in worry, thinking about how Jungkook must be stressing himself out for his final match. Yes, it will be his final match. The younger did mention he will no longer be competing professionally and this will be his walking off competition for the rest of his life.

Jungkook wanted to win this and ultimately focus on his career in business for his true passion and future.

"I need to see him." Taehyung ran his fingers through his brown locks as Jimin nodded pointing towards Jungkook's direction.

"Be careful though, he has about 30 mins before the match and technically no one is allowed in before the player walks out." Jimin mentioned as Tae quickly nodded before zooming his way towards Jungkook.

Sliding the door open, what he saw truly baffled Taehyung and subsequently made him want to commit a murder right away. He has never been so angry for the longest time in his life as he is right now, ready to snap someone's head off.

"What the fuck you think you're doing Lucas?"

Taehyung barged in to yank his cousin brother away from the raven head as Jungkook stood there with a certain shock on his face. He looked utterly lost and not in place as Taehyung was boiling in anger.

"Relax Taehyung." Lucas dusted his white blazer which he wears casually over his t-shirt and jeans. "We don't wanna be creating a scene right here, we all are civilized people aren't we?" A mocking smile adorned the silver head man's lips as he switched his eyes in between Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Don't try to act smart Lucas. Why the fuck are you here?" Taehyung demanded an answer as he slowly walked towards Jungkook who was standing still with an unexplainable shock on his face.

"Don't you know Tae? VANTE is a primary sponsor, which means I am one of the sponsors for the competition. I was invited for the prize giving later on." Lucas clapped his hands as he exhibited a fake enthusiasm.

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