36. Twin Bed & A Confession

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A cold night has naturally drawn in our instinct to be snuggled against something warmer, as a comfort, as an assurance that this too shall pass. The gradual thermal of the body pressed against Jungkook was an assurance that tonight couldn't have turned out any better than it was enfolding.

"You alright there?"

This time around, Taehyung was 100% cautious and seek for Jungkook's permission for the nth time before becoming the bigger spoon to our bunny boy.

"Yea." Jungkook snuggled closer. He was loving Taehyung's body heat and his firm forearm over his petite waist. The younger traced his index finger across the multiple veins running along the patissier's arm, loving the irregular patterns bulging beneath his skin.

After their so-called ice cream in Jungkook's living room, the duo decided to catch a couple of episodes from their favourite drama and was oblivious to the passing time. Since the duo had small nibbles during their drama watching, they decided to skip the dinner for tonight.

When their senses caught up with the reality of time, it was already past midnight and Taehyung was dozing off. Out of his good courtesy, Jungkook offered the older a place to crash without sounding too pushy. Of coz, he would love to have the older with him in the same place but he didn't want to sound desperate by initiating.

Perhaps Jungkook's stars are slowly aligning themselves with the universe, he didn't need to do much convincing as Taehyung mentioned he wanted to ask if he can crash the night as well.

Long story short, a quick shower later, the duo has snuggled up in Jungkook's twin bed spooning one another after Jungkook assured the conflicted Taehyung that he doesn't mind the physical closeness between them.

It's not that they are planning to do anything. It's just a harmless night sleeping together in the same bed.

"Thanks for allowing me to stay here Bambi."

"Anytime Tae."

"Can I say something?"


"It's about Uncle Kent."

Jungkook was creating a soft cloud land for him to breeze through before waltzing into his sleep when his ear caught the friction of the name mentioned. He didn't want to say anything, instead, he stopped tracing patterns on Taehyung's forearm and turned himself around.

"Seriously? Planning to give me a heart attack before hearing me out huh?" Taehyung said nonchalantly and turn to chuckle when he saw Jungkook's brow furrowing in confusion. The younger turned himself and put his face so close to Taehyung, giving the older a full display of his innocent milky face.


"Too close Jungkook, I might not be able to speak with your face in such proximity." The older brushed his nose gently on Jungkook's, giving him another Eskimo kiss which Jungkook grew to be fond of.

"Ops, sorry." Jungkook wiggled his body backwards creating a safe distance between him and his lover boy.

"Not too far Bambi. C'me back."

Jungkook's cheeks turned into a faint shade of dusty pink. It has become a routine since they started their courting stage. The younger will never be not flustered whenever he is around Taehyung. He didn't protest much but allowed Taehyung to handle him however he wishes.

Currently, Jungkook is an arm's length away from Taehyung but still within the older's reach. Taehyung ensured the younger was comfortable as he waited for Jungkook to spare him a look before he could continue further.

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