17. Humble Home & Open Talk

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Jungkook was sure God has favourites and today it seems like the raven head scored the favouritism card of choice.

"So Jungkook, you live on your own don't you?" Taehyung was walking towards his apartment complex while holding a brown bag in his arms, similarly having another bag on Jungkook's as well. Both the males decided to completely make use of their free time together chilling in Taehyung's home.

The brown head has always hosted his friend - Jin and Yoongi at his place when he can. He isn't the one to carry out a crazy party but he is never the less a social butterfly himself with constant hang out happening in his free time.

"Yea I do."

"No housemates or friends?" Taehyung recalls not seeing any additional space for a housemate in Jungkook's place as it's a single studio apartment. He asked out of curiosity.

"You've been to my house Tae. I can't possibly have a housemate or huge gatherings. Five people can easily be a crowd." Jungkook chuckled with a hearty laugh loving the idea of his studio apartment. He isn't the one to complain as it's not a lavish penthouse with million-dollar views. Jungkook is a simple man and he likes his lifestyle to be the same

"It might not be humongous but it's cosy and I love it."

"You do?" Jungkook turned to the side catching Taehyung slipping a curved smile for him.

"Yea. I hope we can hang out there again sometime."

Taehyung didn't know but Jungkook surely felt his heart skipping a beat. Seeing the brown head smile lifted Jungkook's mood a notch. The sweet little innocence of his boxy grin reminds Jungkook of the safe-haven he seems to search for.


"And...we are here." Taehyung stopped at the lobby entrance and opened the door for the raven head. Quickly and quietly, Taehyung guided the younger to the 10th floor and opened the dark wooden door to his humble abode.

"Welcome to my home!" Such a cheery tone resonating from the older's baritone putting an instant smile on Jungkook's face. As you might have predicted, Jungkook isn't the one to grace any parties or visit homes frequently. The only other he moves like his own is Louis & Hoseok's. The raven head has never even stepped into Jimin's house and they have been friends for 3 years.

"Wow." Jungkook gasped. It surely looked like a splash of rainbow and prints all over the bold choices in the older's house compared to Jungkook's monotone spectrum.

"Make yourself home Jungkook. I'll be right back and pass this to me." Taehyung took the brown grocery bag from the older one as he walked into the kitchen settling the items in place. Tonight, they decided to cook some glass noddles, grill beef and enjoy cans of beers.

"Give me a sec Kooks, I will have to shower from the work at the bakery."

Jungkook nodded as he continued to stand in between the kitchen and the living while Taehyung made his way to one of the door painted in emerald green while the other was a deep shade of purple.

The younger waited until he heard the door was fully closed before releasing the breath he was holding tight in his chest. He swiped his raven bangs back as he searched for a spot to seat while he waited for the older. The more time Jungkook spends with the brown head, the faster his blood level increases to his heart, pumping it to oblivion.

Once he was sure he settled on his seat and calmed down, Jungkook manages to focus on his surrounding and fully take in the view of the older's abode. A light feeling caved into his heart as he looked around to notice all the effort Taehyung has put into making his home scream of his personality.

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