52. Open Secret & Hearty Eyes

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"Was that necessary Taehyung?" Namjoon released the breathe he was holding as the duo exited the mansion towards the older's silver Benz.

"It worked." A sly smirk came as the evidence of his thinking as Namjoon gasped further with the brown head's joy.

"What? I am pointing out the danger we could be under and you're contented with the outcome? Tae, we don't even know if it's a success."

"We walked out alive."

"You're nuts." Namjoon rolled his eyes as he unlocks his car for them to get the hell out of the mansion's driveway. "Are you going to tell Maya about this?"

Taehyung nodded. He finds no reason to hide the truth from Maya as this discussion mainly involves her as the main character. "Let's go to the bakery, we will find her there."

Joon obliged as he drove silently to the bakery while Taehyung continues to stir his mind in multiple directions on what is to come next. The patissier knows that there is no way Lucas will keep his hands off the issue now that Taehyung started to show his claws as well.

The car ride lasted for a while before the older could pull in front of the sideway parking leading the pavement to V's Bakery. As close as Joon is with Tae, the older doesn't often visit the bakery with his overwhelming duty as one of the young directors of VANTE. Today was an exception as Namjoon took a day off, cherishing the life he lost enslaved to the corporate life.

"Come on in. We won't have much crowd at this hour. It's a good time to speak." Taehyung closed the passenger door as he looked over the car at the older one who stood by the driver's side. Namjoon nodded and braced himself to face whatever or whoever inside the bakery as he is not the best person when it comes to socialising.

Like an obedient follower, Namjoon sticks to the younger's side as the duo made their way into the cosy bakery.

"Taehyung I fucking swear what did you just do-...hey." Jin's high pitched outburst turned to an optimal ideal self when his eyes land on the figure stuck behind Taehyung, standing a good head taller than his boss.

Taehyung turned confused when he was bombarded by the erupting Jin who turned into a soft kitten just the very next second.

"Hey?" The brown head questionably returned his friend's greeting.

"I did not say hye to your little ass. I said hey to that fine specimen behind you." Jin winked at the oblivious-looking Joon who almost choked with his saliva as a disturbing cough risen in his throat.


"Oh come on Joonie, don't pretend like we don't know each other well. Come here." Jin did a little run as he throws himself at the man before him, burying his face in the comfort nook of Namjoon's neck.

"Hey baby." Joon's face lit with his dimpled smile as he engulfed the broad-shouldered man with a sweet greeting.

"Hey sexy. I didn't know you were with Tae."

"Yea, about that..."

"Hello? Excuse me? Mind explaining?" Taehyung was disturbed by this unknown fact as he crossed his arms, raising the corner of his brow in question. It sure fascinated him how these two manage to link up and by the look of it, possibly dating one another.

"You don't need to be nosy." Jin pointed his tongue out and dragged Namjoon with him as the duo walked past Taehyung who was offended in many ways.

"I will get into that after I speak with Maya." The brown head bumped his shoulder with Jin as he speed-walked to the other side of the bakery where Maya was sitting on the table with a certain someone he was not expecting to see at the bakery.

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