25. Upcoming Match & Dusted Cheeks

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"So Taehyung, do we get paid hourly or should I demand by day?" Jimin took off his black apron and huff in relief thanking the high power above for not breaking anything while he worked.

"Are you serious?" Hoseok gently tapped Jimin's head. He can't believe his friend is being so calculative.


"Jiminie. It's a favour to Taehyung. We are not getting any pays for this. It's Easter!" Hoseok exclaimed.

"Then Tae, can I have the blueberry muffins?" Jimin pointed at a couple of muffins resting on the display, among the last few to remain. Not because it wasn't selling but because the bakery was closed before it could stretch longer than it already was.

"Sure. I will even reserve you some more tomorrow." Taehyung nodded allowing Jimin to quickly snatch the treats while he is at it. "And guys, thanks a lot for sticking around. We had such a good business today coz you guys helped out a lot." Taehyung looked around and rested his eyes on the raven head who gave him a weak smile.

The brown head can say how tired Jungkook is right now. He wishes he could run a hot bath for the younger and pamper him for a good sleep appreciating the work he put in. Taehyung is aware how the rest of them must be equally tired, if not more than Jungkook, but he didn't wanna pamper them like he wants to with Jungkook.

"Tomorrow is the actual Easter Day. Will you need more help buddy?" Yoongi looked at his cousin brother for an answer.

"Actually no. It doesn't get busy on the day of Easter. It's always the day leading to it." Taehyung mentioned they won't need to stop by and help him at the bakery. He even gave Jin a day off. "I will be opening for half a day tomorrow and that's it. I'll manage it. Thanks guys."

Deep down, Taehyung wished for Jungkook to volunteer again. He knows he will eventually pay the guys who helped out for he is completely against free labour. Somehow, he wants the only help to be around to be Jungkook.

"I can help if you don't mind?"

There. Right there. The person who Taehyung expecting to voice out his volunteering act did just that. The raven head raised his hand and smiled meekly indicating his intention.

"Don't you have a match to start training for Kook?" Jimin said with a mouthful of a blueberry muffin, munching them messily.

"Don't speak when you're munching JiMinie." Yoongi leaned forward and pressed his thumb to clean away the crumbs at the corner of the blond head's lips. Simply taking his chance to caress the plump lips feeling the softness pressing his rough thumb.

Jimin probably would have turned the same shade as a pink lady apple for he froze in place feeling his heartbeat. Loud and clear to alert the remaining males about the PDA they were exhibiting.

"GET A ROOM!" Jin wiggled his arms in the air creating a wave of laughter by the rest while Yoongi drops his head in embarrassment, flashing his gummy smile while Jimin clears his throat. For once, the blond head felt his heart swell with excitement.

"Shut up Jin." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Tell that to Jimin when you top him in -..."

"Bold of you to assume I'd be a bottom?" Jimin snatched his look towards Jin, giving the older a dead stare.

"Wait what?" Hoseok was finding his amusement in the middle of this fruitful gossip when Taehyung hijacked his interrogation by asking the boys to clean up instead.

"Let's just pack up and leave alright? It's been a long day." The boss of the bakery threw each one of the boys a washcloth and asked them to start cleaning. With the effort of all the muscles combined, Taehyung and the boys made such a good job in cleaning the space. One after another excused themselves leaving our duo all alone in the bakery.

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