18. Bedtime Chat & Curious Bambi

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"Then you can help my imagination by showing me Bambi."

Jungkook's brain paused for a moment for its brain cell to make the connection. One that requires immense effort in understanding what he just hears. Did Taehyung practically ask him to undress?


Taehyung's nonchalant face broke apart with a huge grin subsequently creating a wave of laughter as he holds onto his stomach. "Gosh, your expression was hilarious."

Jungkook gulped, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Shut up." He mumbled as he stuffs his mouth with the food he saw in front of him while Taehyung collected himself together.

"Not yet at least." Taehyung took a sip of his beer fresh out of the can while he winked at the younger causing Jungkook to roll his eyes. Not without having a fair share of heat creeping into his cheeks.

The conversation did not proceed any further as Jungkook decided to keep his end quiet most of the time with Taehyung asking about his classes and what's next in store for the younger. Jungkook was glad that for once he didn't have to think much about the answer as it was pretty straightforward in sharing what he is doing.

With much ease, the end of the dinner and chatters only meant one thing. Jungkook will have to share the same bed with Taehyung. The younger looked at the clock and noticed the time was close to midnight. Did they spend all the hours with beers and chatters?

Standing now in his borrowed pyjamas Jungkook looked down at the pillows in his arms. Taheyung was taking out spare pillows from the purple door bedroom as Jungkook outside the room making it one after another. Grabbing almost 3 pillows altogether, Taehyung finally came out of the room as he closed it shut neatly not allowing Jungkook to peek in.

"Is this a spare bedroom?"

"Well not really. It belongs to someone else. Just as a spare but she doesn't like it when someone uses it." Taehyung explained as he walked into his bedroom expecting Jungkook to follow. He looked back to see the younger standing with eyes widened.

"Come on" Taehyung pulled the raven head's wrist which was busy holding onto the pillows as he nudged forward, feet automatically following the brown head.

"Here." Tae pointed at the king-sized bed, neatly tucked in at the corners with dozens of pillows scattered around.

"Wow. Is this bed for you or your pillows?" Jungkook chuckled as he dropped another 3 more on top of the stacks he sees. "I can use only one. That's fine. I didn't have any pillows on my bed until I received it as a gift from Hobi about 3 years ago."

"You what?" Taehyung crossed his arms as he turned to watch Jungkook in disbelief.

"Yea. I just didn't think about buying a pillow. I used rolled up towels when I have to. Most of the times I just don't bother." The younger shrugged off his shoulders.

Taehyung shakes his head in disbelief. Jungkook is surely something he has never truly seen or experienced before. The younger is a simple and pure soul. There is nothing complicated with Jungkook. The younger's heart is kind but his emotion sometimes tells Taehyung different things instead.

"Right. So, help yourself." Taehyung started to arrange his pillows and make room for Jungkook. To be honest, if you can see how the bed was divided, you'd think that Jungkook will attach his hips to the floor if he makes one wrong move.

"That's not fair, it looks like you've dominated the whole space." Jungkook circled his index finger in the air and pointed at the bed.

"Then help yourself to sleep on top of me. Although, that might be the closest you get to top Kooks." Taehyung smirked as he slapped Jungkook's ass very playfully earning a loud yelp from the younger.

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