46. Admitted Love & Action Plan

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Jungkook could hear the shattering of glasses in his mind as his heart fluttered faster than it has ever been in years. He will not know what took him the courage to confess to Taehyung out of the blue and to have the reply as such.

"I love you too Bambi."

Taehyung replied and his palm pressed firmly on Jungkook's chest chasing the rhythm of his wilding heart as his adrenaline pushed hard and thorough through his system.


"Crossing your heart and mine Bambi, I meant what I said. I love you too."

Jungkook leapt forward and crushed Taehyung into a bone-crushing hug making Tae drop backwards. "Wow there, this can be considered murder attempt number 2 for the night Kooks." Taehyung exclaimed as Jungkook didn't even bother but to bury his entire face in the nook of Taehyung's neck.

"I love you Tae. So much."

"I know Bambi." Taehyung kissed the top of the raven head he could see as he allowed Jungkook to settle in. He wasn't about to confess to Jungkook either but he knows that he will never get a better chance he had tonight to seal the confession as a return to what Jungkook spilt.

It took a while for Jungkook to settle his emotional turmoil. He should be flying on cloud nine upon attaining the love he chased for. But, an unexpected doubt kept lingering in his mind which he wanted to speak out with Taehyung.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Anything Jungkook, you can ask me anything."

"Ok." The raven head took his face out from the comfort of the older's neck as he wiped his cheeks clean of the tears which stained shamelessly. The younger was not bothered by the state of appearance he must have been looking like now as he cleared the snort running down his nose with tissue from the table nearby.

Taehyung who watched the younger from his laying position got comfortable with an arm beneath his head chuckled lowly as he finds the younger's actions purely innocent and adorable.

"I know my confession was sudden. You didn't have to reply to me back suddenly as well. I hope I am not forcing you or anything. I know you just confessed to me and all this-...I hope I am not being pushy."

The older know that Jungkook is one with the insecurity shooting up his roof. Whenever there is a chance, Jungkook tends to doubt himself. Taehyung wouldn't lie that he was not prepared to stage a confession. Perhaps meeting Lucas accidentally wasn't as bad as it seems to be now that Taehyung gets to think about it.

Lately, since the day Taehyung came to peace with his feelings and emotion about Jungkook, he couldn't stop thinking about the future he can have with the raven head male. Whatever hurdles coming his way at that very moment, Taehyung knows that he would rather not spend with anyone else but with Jungkook alone.

You may think that it's an abrupt decision to fall for the person you just met not too long ago. If you have not had the privilege to meet the one that searched by your soul, you might not be able to recognise the string of fate that pulled them together against all odds.

"Jungkook, do you trust me?" Taehyung slowly came to a sitting position as he watched Jungkook sulked further. This was not the emotion he was envisioning on the day he finally could bring their relationship to another step.

When the night he confessed to Jungkook, it filled with lots of love and passionate exchanges. At this very moment, when they finally break their shell to confess their love, Jungkook ended up sulking at a corner.

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