13. Unexpected & Flustered

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The raven head was gone. He was gone for good in the absence of his mind as he sat at the couch, looking at nothing in particular. He hasn't changed out of his pyjamas nor did he washed up after the incident last night.

He has spent the night crying to himself and aggravated with his defeat that he wishes to dig his own grave and bury him until the sorrow fades into nothing but grey dust. You may wonder why is he being so reactive towards his defeat in such a negative manner?

This is Jungkook we are talking about.

The boy didn't see the comfort of living until he started to earn his own money and support his living. The ravenette has never intended to be a liability and he was adamant about this since he comes of age with understanding about living life. Jungkook has never set his mind to fail and last night was a first. He truly believed all the hours of dedicated training and religious mantra in maintaining his discipline will bring him the win he needed so badly.

Truthfully, Jungkook wanted to take a break from professional boxing after this match for he would have earned a sum to pursue his future undertaking. Guess time is just not there yet for Jungkook to quit and fate decided not to grant the younger the life he was envisioning.

"Argh! How can I lose?" Jungkook grabbed onto his unwashed hair from the match as he growled in disbelief. He might not see it but the younger ravenette surely is the hardest judge on himself than anyone else out there.

As he was busy putting blame and crying himself all over again, he was distracted by the doorbell ringing indicating a visitor at his doorstep.

With the sound of the alarming bell, Jungkook straightened his posture as he continued to sniffle. He wondered with the thought about asking his friends to not visit him for the day. Why are they here when they know Jungkook wouldn't prefer it?

A deep frown was plastered on the young male's face as he was prepared to show his tantrum at his friends for not respecting his privacy. On normal days, Jungkook isn't the one to be a brat but the situation today is pretty different than what you see on usual days. It's not a usual day if Jungkook is on the losing end.

"Jimin I said-...you?"

His voice was cut short as his breath hitched tight on his throat. Jungkook can't believe the figure standing in front of him and worse, what is in his hands?

"I-...I mean...delivery?" Taehyung wasn't expecting an angry and disturbed looking Jungkook to greet his face. Perhaps Jimin did leave out the fact that Jungkook isn't ready to be disturbed and how annoyed the younger would be.

"What?" Jungkook watched in confusion as Tae wiggled the brown bag in his hand while the other secured his purchase with a slight embarrassment. Maybe a couple of stalk of flowers might have been a little over the top. "Your bakery now does flower deliveries too?"

Jungkook wanted to continue his frustrated look but he really can't keep it up when he saw Taehyung trying to suppress his boxy grin on his lips while he holds the paper bag and flowers forward. For a brief second, the raven head's mind took a split and moved to the imagination about being picked up by Taehyung for a date night. It would have looked something like this, isn't it?

Ok maybe the flower might have been a bit over the top but having a casual looking Taehyung by your doorstep with a sheepish grin fits the brief of boyfriend material. Can you imagine?

That's what exactly ended Jungkook's trail of thought as the younger started to roam his eyes in a panic feeling the anxiety building in.

"Jungkook? Are you ok?" Taehyung noticed the younger's facial expression dropping from an annoyed look to something amusing and now completely into a potential panic overflow. "Hey, are you feeling sick or something?" Taehyung didn't wait for the invite as he stepped forward, inching half of his body into the raven head's studio apartment.

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