8. Adrenaline Rush & Bambi Eyes

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"Hey Kooks."

Jungkook gulped. Is he supposed to feel nervous when someone greets him? Well if that certain someone is Kim Taehyung then maybe.


"I see you took a whole week to accept my invite. Not going to lie, I am a little salty." Taehyung scrunched his nose and made a poor attempt to look crossed. Which caused a stir of panic in Jungkook's heart as the poor fella thought the older was truly offended.

"Ah! No! I mean yes I took some time but not because it was deliberate but coz I had this presentation and I was busy and you know the library, work, studying and-..."

"Here is an iced coffee for you. Relax. I'm not prosecuting you."

He surely made a fool out of himself, doesn't he? Jungkook couldn't facepalm himself publicly but it was enough embarrassment to cause his cheeks to flair.

"Is it hot in here?"

Jungkook shakes his head as he took the iced coffee from the counter while Taehyung cleaned the utensils and cups while sticking his eyes on the raven head male. "Then why do you look flushed?" The brown head tilted his head to the side, looking questionable at Jungkook and inspected his air conditioning around the bakery.

"It's sunny outdoor."

This time, he sure made a fool out of himself as he sipped on his iced coffee a little too comically in an attempt to hide his embarrassment while Taehyung burst into a wave of laughter, palm covering his mouth as he shakes in giggles.

"Gosh Kooks, you're so funny."

The raven head raised both his brows looking at the older who seemed to find whatever he says funny. Maybe that's all Jungkook is to Taehyung, a mere joke. Suddenly, a wave of grey sorrow washed into Jungkook's heart, making him unnecessarily vulnerable to his imaginative feelings.

"Thanks for the coffee."

"Mhm, told ya it's on me." Taehyung watched the younger took his sip and stood there without another word. One thing that the young patissier have noticed since the day he knew Jungkook is that the younger isn't much of a talker. He has observed how the raven head wraps himself around an invisible bubble and never allow it to be invaded by someone new. This very reason makes Taehyung want to be that person to make the ravenette comfortable being around others.

"Is that your friend?"

He pointed over at Jimin who was busy texting on his phone while he leaned over the counter. Jungkook was following the direction of Taehyung's pointing and turned his head to the side, noticing it was Jimin. "Yea, Uni mate." By the time he turned over, he wasn't expecting to be greeted by the proximity of Taehyung's chiselled face which surely left a sweet imprint on his mind.

"Mate?" Taehyung's face was so close to Jungkook as the older looked deeply into the younger's doe eyes collecting answers his mind wondered.

Jungkook nodded, clearly unable to verbalize his words. If he leans in a little more, he's afraid he will land lips first on some parts of Taehyung's face. The staring contest went on a little longer with Taehyung trying to crack the younger's facade behind his shy self while Jungkook was holding his sanity in a bowl, trying not to spill it over the older's intense gaze.


"W-what?" Great, Jungkook stuttered again. What's new?

"You look like a Bambi Kook. Your eyes, it's doe-like, as a deer." Taehyung grinned, flashing his infamous rectangular shape boxy smile while he stood back straight, bopping the younger's button nose in the process. "And your cute little mole underneath the lips looks adorable too."

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