44. Dusty Blonde & New Enemy

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"Did you talk to Tae about the loan thingy?"

All three boys - Jimin, Hobi and Jungkook himself are walking back from the gym to the raven head's apartment. It was late in the evening the next day where Jungkook completed his usual gym routine with his trainer, counting his days for the match.

"I did." The younger continued to kick on random pebbles as he replied somberly.


"Hobi, you can cut down your excitement. It's not that Kookie proposed to him or something." Jimin gently wack the copper head who grew excited for no reason. "Wait, you didn't right?" Legit panic screamed over Jimin's face as he halted Jungkook from his step.

"Guys stop joking around. It's not funny. I just got rejected."

Jungkook's sorrowful voice stopped the laughter erupting in Jimin and Hoseok. The duo can see how disturbed Jungkook is about this.

"What did he say? Was he behaving rudely?" Jimin was concerned. If and only if he finds out that Jungkook is being wronged, he is ready to throw hands at Taehyung.

"He didn't. He politely declined me saying he didn't want me to meddle in his family mess. Tae said I don't deserve it."

"Oh." Jimin retraced his vengeance as he settled with somewhat respect towards the brown head. For someone of Taehyung's status, he is surely a surprise to Jimin on how polite and thoughtful the young patissier is.

"Are you upset about it?" Hoseok joined the duo side by side as they took a pit stop at the park nearby Jungkook's house easing the dusk of the evening in. There were no other plans for the gang to be at and they are happy to spend it together.

Across the days after Jungkook's graduation, the trio has become closer than ever. Mayhaps thanks to Taehyung's consistent presence, both Jimin and Hoseok could see the younger gradually getting better in exhibiting his emotion.

As they neared the park, Jungkook's memory swayed back to the time he spent a couple of times here with the brown head. He couldn't believe his crush blossomed into something more and he is bravely courting the man he fell for.

Looking back at the progression of their relationship, Jungkook can forever be grateful and indebted towards all the effort the brown head put into making sure Jungkook is comfortable and well taken care of.

"I just wish he will allow me to help him." The younger sighed deeply.

"Jungkook, maybe Taehyung doesn't need your help in the first place." Jimin sat at the bench while Jungkook and Hoseok stood in front of him, bags in their hands collecting all their dirty clothes from the time in the gym.

The raven head felt a huge slap across his face. He blinked back anxiously as he digested what did Jimin say. Maybe Taehyung doesn't need his help? But what if he wanted to help?

"I can understand you feel sad for him being stuck with his family mess and the only possible solution you see is to bail him out of the mess." Jimin watched as Jungkook sulked. "But Jungkook, what if Taehyung meant it when he said he got this covered?"

Jimin's logic came from the perspective that Taehyung isn't a small child. He is the heir of such a huge corporation. Although he is not inheriting it, Taehyung must have been groomed to be prepared for such tough situations.

"Jimin is right, I think you need to let it go for now Kooks. You can concentrate on winning the competition first and then perhaps when you have the cash in hand, you might speak with Taehyung again. He needs time to digest your offer too."

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