2. Fresh Coffee & School Library

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"At the rate you're revising, I would believe you're inhaling these notes instead of reading the words by words."

Jungkook chuckled as he scrunched his nose and allowed his index finger to push the edge of his glasses back to the position as he continued to read the notes for his business management class. "Don't be exaggerating Louis. Those who just getting to know me might think I'm a nerd. Which. I am not."

The young man who had lost the trace of his boyhood is a full-grown man nearing his 6 feet height and a toned body as a shred of evidence from his religiously training routines. His clean-shaven angular jaw was a chiselled look that the raven head pulled off effortlessly with his hair parted to the side, showcasing his thick and messy brows in a way it looked perfect.

Jeon Jungkook - a fine young man nearing his mid-20s who dedicated his high school for boxing and college for business. Why would a teenage boy who is coming of age be busy with kicking up sandbags and throwing punches that even the adult fears? Simply because Jungkook has a competitive nature and that is his outlet to bag all the unresolved energy which turned into medals and dedication which fueled him across his teenage stage.

Currently, he is enrolled and almost graduating in 2 months under the Keller Business School. It wasn't a secret no more that Jungkook is a full scholar student who tops his class every single semester since the day he stepped his foot into college.

He wasn't born out of the silver spoon. The Jeons were an average income family at the time of Jungkook's delivery and the older Jeon work very diligently under a corporate company to earn his way up the ladder where he seats as the director of external affairs.

With that, Jungkook was never the one to depend on his family hence it explains him living all by himself in a studio apartment he rented not too far away from his college, courtesy of the prize money from his boxing competitions.

"Are you gonna be heading home or what? We pulled an overnight for the upcoming exam." His friend Louis, who majors in economics stretched himself out in tiredness.

"In a bit."

"You need to walk out before the sun rises man. You need some Vitamin D." Louis wiggled his brows.

"Ew, is that a sex joke?"

"It isn't. But again, it can be coz you've been so cooked up with studies and competitions lately. You need to let go of some steam."

"Not keen."

"Urgh, I'll age ten times faster if I continue to waste my saliva on you. And no, this isn't intended as a sex joke. Imma be packing, see you some other time."

Jungkook waved his friend goodbye and continued to highlight his notes neatly in a bright yellow colour as he scribbled on the side.

Time was up and the sun was indeed shining brightly for all that Jungkook knows. He felt the back of his body toasting in flame as the morning sun hung brightly in the sky, shining through the panels he was seated near with.

"Morning Mrs Linnet." Jungkook greeted the elderly lady by the school library as he clung to his backpack while the lady greeted him back with a cup of hot coffee in her hand.

"Morning boy. Burning the midnight oil again?"

"Can't help it Mrs Linnet. Exams are creeping in." Jungkook noticed a paper bag filled with choux pastry at the table where Mrs Linnet should be pilling the library books. "Early morning sweet tooth huh?" He chuckled and gave the elder lady a thumbs up.

"Want some? They are the best in town. Freshly baked from the bakery downtown."

"No thanks, Mrs Linnet. I'm on a strict diet these days for an upcoming competition. They do look lovely. Must be baked by an extraordinary patissier." Mrs Linnet nodded vigorously, a little too excited for her age while Jungkook chuckled and tried to suppress his incoming yawn.

"Oh dear, better head back and get some rest. Take this cup of coffee. I bought it for Samantha but I guess she can have it some other day." Mrs Linnet handed the raven head a cup of grande sized coffee which Jungkook refused but had to accept for the kind sake of Mrs Linnet.

Jungkook bid the elder lady his farewell and stepped out of the school library, soaking in the glorious sun as the heat kissed his face waking him up instantly with a sip of the morning coffee.

"Good day. Good coffee. Maybe I needed some Vitamin D after all." Jungkook chuckled to himself as he was ready to meet his bed and lose himself for a couple of hours before the start of his training.

This is JK.
I can't explain how happy I am writing
these two chapters.

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