34. Familiarity & Ignorance

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"I'm so sorry!" Jungkook apologised as he collided with another human at the exit of the University library.

The younger came back today to clear off his rental book listings as well as to collect his semester result with some certificates before the join date with VANTE. After finding out the truth behind VANTE and Tae's association with it, Jungkook did experience a little cold foot in continuing his internship with the corporation.

Perhaps the only thing that kept him sane other than Taehyung's support for this opportunity is the fact he was arranged to be taken directly under Namjoon's wing.

"That's fine-...Jungkook?"

The raven head squinted his eyes as he adjusted his backpack which hung loose on his left shoulder. Who is this person? He looked familiar but not too familiar to ring a bell with a name in the younger's mind.

"I'm Lucas! Remember me? We kind of had an incident with the seat by the window? That day? Me and you?"

"Mhm?" Jungkook wasn't sure but he still nodded his head pretending to know who this man is. The man's hair stood out the most with his silver dye which surprisingly made his face look very prominent and chiselled. With a double-take, Jungkook can say that this is one handsome and attractive man.

"Collecting your results?"


"I bet you topped with a 4 flat GPA for the finals?"

The raven head nodded sheepishly. He isn't sure why this stranger named Lucas seems to be so interested in his education. "Kind of." Jungkook couldn't continue the conversation for obvious reason, so he wanted to escape again after politely bidding the silver head a goodbye.

"Wait! Do you want to grab a cup of coffee?"

Jungkook was denied his exit when he felt the silver head from earlier catching up with him. "I am heading to an appointment." The raven head politely declined. He can't understand why would this man be on his tails all the damn time. Jungkook can't even recall the first incident, that's how insignificant this Lucas was to him. Clearly, for Lucas, it's the other way round.

"Where are you headed to?"

"V's Bakery?"

"Oh, sweet. I heard the choux there are great. Maybe we can go together and I will grab something for myself." Lucas was so oblivious to the social cues Jungkook is throwing off that he certainly did not want anything to do with the silver head.

Jungkook was happily clearing off his paperwork at university to meet Taehyung for their second date. That's right, the duo has gone for their first date the very next day which is a casual dinner date and ended with a puzzle night at Jungkook's. There was nothing fancy or extraordinary with it but a lot more in-depth conversation and casual flirting have started as well.

Today, after a week of their first date, the duo is meeting up for the first time as Jungkook was tied with his workout regime for the boxing match. The younger is adamant about winning this tournament and he won't budge from his routine until he wins the match.

After much convincing from Taehyung, the younger decided to go for an ice cream date this evening provided that the ice cream shop has low calorie and possibly a mint choco option for the ravenette. In the end, there is no way Jungkook can ever refuse his lover boy.


For now, the raven head had no choice but to agree with Lucas for him to tail along. The younger ran out of excuses so he figured he might as well make the walk to V's Bakery with Lucas by his side. Hopefully, Taehyung will be done with his work and can leave immediately to their date so Jungkook won't have to tolerate Lucas anymore.

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