Epilogue (1): Magical

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"I love you."

Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut and let his body slowly sink the words in. Banging his mind in a small victory dance that Jungkook's heart still desires him, all of him after two years of unconditional love and faithful pursuits.

That's right.

2 years.

It's been two years since the duo laid their eyes on each other and fate took a whirlwind on their destiny landing them right beside each other. After the hurdles of having to whack off his family's influence from his back, Taehyung managed to stand on his feet despite the loss of his beloved bakery to become a patissier under another major brand which he is currently assisting as a junior baker.

There isn't anything fancy in becoming an assistant baker from being an owner himself but Taehyung decided he needed to pay his bills and he will do it with the utmost righteous way although it required him to get monthly wages from someone else.

Jungkook on the other hand moved in with Taehyung after selling off his studio apartment to use his monthly instalment money to the bank in helping Taehyung to co-pay the rent. After much resistance from Taehyung, the raven head succeeded in persuading his lover boy in taking part with the utilities as well.

The younger completed his internship under the care of Namjoon at VANTE and managed to attract the attention of the other directors on board in retaining his involvement with VANTE, subsequently being appointed as one of their protegee in business mentorship.

Of coz, Jungkook is aware what kind of a snake the CEO of VANTE - Kent Kallister can be, who still carries a vengeance in his heart towards Taehyung. Lucas on the other hand been transferred to the UK for his further studies in business and Maya has never been happier when she knew that her marriage with the Kallister been broken for good.

Now, the life between Taehyung and Jungkook is nothing but the ordinary where Jungkook frequents the office of VANTE daily while Taehyung does his job diligently while he saves up for another venture into opening a small bakery on his own.

"Tae..." Jungkook whined at his boyfriend.

"Yes Bambi?" Taehyung gently stroke his boyfriend's milky cheeks with the tip of his fingers, creating a sense of feather-like tingles down Jungkook's spine.

"Are you not going to say or do anything?" Jungkook bite his lower lips and pouted when he notice the sensation between his thighs grew intense with each passing seconds.

The older chuckled as he raised his eyes from the sinful lips of Jungkook's to his does eyes which earned him the nickname of Bambi from the older.

"I love you. All of you."

Taehyung then took his arms and wrapped them around Jungkook's tiny waist, locking them in with his strong veiny arms. As the older did so, Jungkook cupped his cheeks and deepened their kiss once more. This time, Taehyung felt his soft lips on his, dangerously moving and sucking making the brown head breathless. He parted his lips for air when Jungkook took the chance to slide his tongue in finding the sweetness of Taehyung's cavern in his. This mere action made Taehyung weak on his knees feeling a challenge burning inside of him.

Jungkook started moving his lips to Taehyung's neck. Eagerly and desperately tainting Tae with his sinful mouth, marking the older in bruises.


Taehyung was already so sensitive and riding in high arousal. It was pleasuring for him to have Jungkook's tongue skillfully sucking and marking him on his neck while he grabbed a fistful of Taehyung's hair.

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