43. Flustered Presence & Failed Attempt

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"You're here today?" Taehyung leaned back, adjusting his posture as Jungkook stayed seated on a chair in front of him. The duo has retrieved back to the kitchen while Jin tanked the front of the shop ushering in the customers.

"I missed you."

The brown head's heart swell. His smile appeared in a boxy fashion when he notices Jungkook was swaying from left to right as he stays seated. The younger looked tiny and adorable, almost like he can pocket the ravenette in his heart forever.

"You want to have dinner with me today?"

A huge grin plastered across Jungkook's face. "Thought you'd never ask."

"Is that why you came?"

The younger blinked his eyes and tried to act obliviously. "Maybe?"

"Come here, you said you miss me didn't you?" Taehyung extended his right hand for the younger to hold in which Jungkook gladly obliged without a protest. With arms tangled in one another, Jungkook felt his lover boy's arm around his frame inviting him in with so much tenderness and care.

"What do you want to have for dinner Bambi?" Taehyung adjusted his chin on the younger's shoulder. One of the perks they get to be each other's bigger spoon is because they share similar heights.

"Cook at your place?"

"Sure." Taehyung pulled the younger in a little tighter feeling Jungkook relaxing further into his touch.

"Excuse me. This bakery doesn't tolerate PDAs." The loud banging on the glass window separating the front counter and the kitchen could be heard with the sound of Jin resonating painfully high in the air.

Just like being electrocuted, Jungkook yanked himself off Taehyung's arm turning into beetroot as he cursed himself forgetting the fact that you can see everything through the window if you're at the front counter.

"For the first time, I regret renovating this bakery to a modern-chic style with window displays." Taehyung sighed for the lack of privacy he seems to have with Jungkook.

"Don't worry, we can continue at home later." The younger winked at Taehyung as he quickly pecked the stunning brown head before rushing out of the door in sweet giggles.

"Damn." Taehyung pressed his right palm over his heart allowing the blood to rush up his face. Jungkook will be the end of him.


The sound of clattering plates resonated as Jungkook was in charge of the dishes while Taehyung cleaned the table. It was a good meal shared by the budding love birds in which Taehyung cooked and Jungkook offered to clean the dishes. Pretty domestic if you ask me.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" Taehyung cleaned off the last bit of dirt on his marble table as he turned to the ravenette who completed the dishes.

"Nope. I want to cuddle and talk."

"Cuddle?" Taehyung's smirk was evident miles away as Jungkook realise what was running through the older's mind.

"STOP." He held out his hand to stop the older from approaching which he failed and had to run for his life directing himself to the room when he felt a strong grip around his waist. "Tae, let me go!"

"You said you wanted cuddles Bambi." Taehyung attacked the younger to the bed and started to tickle the younger as Jungkook was tearing up with laughter erupting like a flash flood from him.

"Stop. I legit meant cuddling, nothing sneaky kay? I wanna talk to you." Jungkook said with whatever ounce of energy he could have mustered as Taehyung stopped being the tickle monster he is at the moment.

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