56. Homecoming & Future Ahead

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Jungkook was allowed to seek his discharge the very next day after a persistent Taehyung influenced the doctor into decision making.

"Mr Kim, Jungkook needed to stay well-rested preferably on the bed for the next couple of days. It's to ensure his internal bleedings will stop completely and not to cause any other fracture."

"Yes, I will not allow him to rise from the bed."

"Hey, what about showering and other personal stuff?" Jungkook asked as he grows shy in front of the doctor and Taehyung.

"I will carry you to the toilet. We can shower together."

"Tae! Not right here." Jungkook was about to throw the cup he was holding with water right at his boyfriend for saying that out loud in front of his doctor.

"Mr Kim, you should do that. Plus Jungkook, it helps to save the water bill." Dr Aaron signed the discharge sheet as Jungkook slump down his bed wanting to disintegrate from the surface of the world at that very moment. He can't believe the doctor is a Taehyung bias.

"Thanks Doc!" Taehyung took the discharge sheet and stirred the wheelchair towards the bed to get Jungkook on the seat. As per the doctor's advice, Jungkook is not allowed to move much and Taehyung was so careful with his actions, he doesn't even allow the younger to take one step.

"Tae I can do this."

"Bambi, just allow me to do it ok?" Taehyung wasn't about to be denied his offer as he scooped Jungkook from the bed to be seated on the wheelchair. "Easy peasy lemon squeezy."

"Hey that's my dialogue!" Jungkook pouted as he used to say that a lot with Taehyung making the older to pick it up as one of his favourite phrases whenever he manages to accomplish something so easily.

"Alright, I will remember to pay you a copyright kiss. Now let's go. I hate hospitals." The brown head was so ready to leave the place and he never wants to visit again with Jungkook in such condition. Thankfully, throughout the night they spent together, the raven head promised he won't be going for another match as he will not risk his life in such away.

Although Jungkook knows that the previous match is a mishap by Lucas, he is still not risking his life for another fight when he found all the reason to be alive and healthy to be with the man right beside him.

"Ready love?"

Jungkook nodded at that as Taehyung planted the softest kiss on his raven head before wheeling the chair out to the carpark where Yoongi had left the car from the night before for Taehyung to drive back home.

"Are the boys going to be home when we get there?"

"I don't think they will be Kooks. I think they are a little mad at me. Especially Jin and Yoongi. I did not discuss this issue with them before making a decision."

Taehyung explained as he helped Jungkook to get into the backseat of the car although Jungkook insisted on sitting beside Taehyung. The brown head boy wanted to ensure his boyfriend is comfortably seated.

The young patissier knows for a fact that if he ever opens this topic to discuss with his friend and cousin brother, he will never hear the end of it. Jin will keep insisting on the passion Taehyung has in patissier and Yoongi will never let go of how this means a lot for Taehyung and his late parents.

Do you think Taehyung is not aware of it? Oh, he very well is. Taehyung knows what is he losing and he still put it out there for he wants his life for himself and...Jungkook.

Without further ado, Taehyung drove back to his apartment as there is more space for them both to move and for Taehyung to easily take care of Jungkook. As before, the older prepared the wheelchair by the door before he opened it to get Jungkook out.

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