15. Confrontation & Admiration

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"Are you better now Kooks?"

Jungkook nodded as a reply. He was now separated from the warm hug he was constantly pampered with as Taehyung sat a little further away from him having a certain blond nudged in between their space questioning the ravenette's wellbeing.

"Thanks for stopping by though." Jimin turned to Taehyung when he notices that the raven head was looking way better than he envisioned. Honestly, having known the younger for almost 3 years now, Jimin anticipated a malfunctioned and terrible looking Jungkook. On a contrary, the younger looked well-rested with visible eyebags and puffed cheeks as a result of lack of sleep but not as a zombie which the blond suspected.

"I just did my delivery boy job." Tae raised his arms in the air and shrugged his shoulders off.

"Yet. You did a better job than what three of us could have done." Jimin said as he pointed his towards himself, Louis and Hoseok.

"Yea Tae. Kookie looks way better today than I last saw him after the match." Louis took a bite of the cake that was bought for Jungkook without any sense of guilt. That's how Louis is anyways, sometimes, he can be a little too oblivious to his surroundings.

"Louis." Hoseok brought a few glasses of water for the crowd as he placed it on the table in the middle of the gathering. "And that cake is not yours to have." The copper head took the plate and fork out of Louis's hand despite the male's protest.

"Here you go Kook." He extended the half-eaten cake to Jungkook as the younger watched him in horror.

"Ew no."

"Bambi? Did you just ew-ed my cake?"

Without any conscious thought, Taehyung was quick to react when he saw a disgusted look on Jungkook's face. The brown head wasn't aware of the slip of the tongue which happened and that certainly cause multiple question marks on the heads that were present aside from Jungkook's.

"Bambi?" Louis scrunched his brows.

"Oh, cute isn't it? Look at Jungkook, doesn't he look like a deer with his doe eyes?" Taehyung smiled so wide, it creased his eyes into half-moon showing off his bread cheeks.

Jimin furrowed his brow and immediately turned his face to look at Jungkook almost causing a twist in his neck. "Yea...he does..." The blond dragged his words as he watched Jungkook like a hawk.

The younger who was struggling under the sweet little burst of excitement with the nickname felt his face heating up when the pair of eyes on him turned judgemental.

"I don't hate it. Louie ate it already, I don't wanna have it." He crossed his arms, showing his displeased mood.

"Right...I forgot how you hate salivas. Let me watch you on the day you kiss your boyfriend, I'm gonna rub it on your face so bad you're gonna run away from the country." Louis sassed back as he snatched the plate back gladly having the cake to himself.

Jungkook's brain went into a stuttering mood. Did Louis just expose him like that? The raven head has no qualms in admitting his sexuality but did Louis expose him in front of his crush? Not that anyone knows the new feeling brewing inside Jungkook's heart but did he just do that?

The coldness taking over the raven head's body showed when the colour from his cheeks drained. He was taken back and when Jungkook turned his eyes to Taehyung, he watched the older looking at him with an indifferent expression.

"It might take a while, our Kookie here isn't the one to go on about dating. We seriously need to set him up on a blind date." Jimin took it casually as he flopped back on the couch while the rest relaxed in their seats.

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