9. Chocolates & Bunny Grin

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"What do I do with this?"

Jungkook was fumbling on a piece of cloth that Taehyung kindly provided, absolutely unsure how to operate this piece of clothing.

"That's an apron Jungkook."

"It sure looks like one but how do I use it?"

"Over your waist? Like this?" Taehyung pointed at himself and instructed Jungkook to follow. Too bad, the younger was equally dumbfounded in wearing an apron as he was before. No clue.

"Are you sure you're a top ranker?" Taehyung sasses playfully as Jungkook's doe eyes grew twice in size. "I'm just kidding Bambi."

That damn nickname. 

It surely sent waves down the raven head's body making him slightly shiver in giddiness. As he was trying to digest the situation, Jungkook didn't realise the swift action by the older who was already fiddling with the given apron, opening it wide in front of the ravenette.

"C'me here."

"Huh?" The younger was dumbfounded. Jungkook watched Taehyung with arms extended to either side of his body with a knowing look on his face.

"Over here. This is how you wear it." Taehyung leaned in to wrap the black apron around Jungkook's petite waistline making the younger's breath hitch with the sudden proximity.

The ravenette himself is not much of a social person. His social circle and his boundaries are pretty limited to a handful of individuals he truly has spent years knowing. It took Jimin half a year to befriend Jungkook before they both could have a friendship skinship. Having someone new he knows for the past one week and feeling the spark between them isn't doing Jungkook any good in keeping his sanity in check.

The closeness of the brown head's face was prominent with the hot air brushing against Jungkook's right cheek making it hotter than intended. The younger stood like a robot, hands to the side in the air while Taehyung secures the apron around his waist with a knot behind the smaller of his back.

"That's how you do it."

Taehyung looked at the younger through the side of his eyes indicating he is done. With a final knot on the tie, Taehyung obliviously swiped both palms of his hands around the younger's waist until it was rested on Jungkook's tummy where he patted against the rock hard surface. "You're all done my sous chef." A boxy decorator his face while Jungkook nodded.

The raven head didn't feel like he was invaded nor does he feel like his personal space was abused. He was merely feeling the jitters on how casual and comfortable it feels to be around Taehyung. The dangerously warm feeling isn't something the younger used to and it most certainly throwing Jungkook into a labyrinth of his insecurities.

"What can I do?"

"Um let me think. Do you want to cut out the modelling chocolates with a shaper? Kids love them as a side treat."

Taehyung took a basket of animal shapers for Jungkook while the younger nodded, as excited as ever to assist.

After a good hour of working in silence and content, Jungkook decided to break the ice.
"Why do you decided to pursue patisserie if you're not into dessert?"

Jungkook was carefully placing an adorable looking bunny moulded chocolate on a tray finishing off his final piece. He was curious from the second he heard that the older doesn't enjoy dessert. To own a bakery and pursued pastry for his profession, it surely looked very ironic to Jungkook how the older didn't take a liking.

"Well. It's not that I hate them. I just don't eat them as deliciously as others would enjoy? I'm not much of a coffee person either but that shouldn't stop me from making others enjoy them."

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