39. In Denial & Midnight Visitor

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The thought about what Jin said stirred the corners of Taehyung's heart into distress. The brown head shouldn't be surprised to find out that Lucas was after Jungkook since they both share the same major at Keller.

Unlike Jungkook, Taehyung knows very well that Lucas is someone who can't handle competitions. The older is almost certain that the reason Lucas is tailing Jungkook is that the ravenette is the topper of the business school.

"I have cleaned the kitchen, you wanna take the keys?" Jin was waving the silver keys in front of his boss who was lost in his thoughts.

Taehyung who was leaning outside his bakery wall nodded and took the keys from Jin.

"Thanks for cleaning up."

"I need a paycheck. No other obligations." The broad shoulder man shrugged it off as Taehyung gave him a weak smile. "Taehyung?"


"Don't think too much about what we talked yea? My best advice is, be honest with Jungkook. If you think he is someone special to you then treat him like one. The last you want him to feel is like an option Tae. That won't feel very nice to Jungkook."

Taehyung nodded. Those were probably some of the most honest things Jin has ever spoken to him and Taehyung knows that every bit of Jin's words is true.

"I will."

"Now if you would excuse me, I have an appointment." The older of the two started to walk heading downtown to his so-called appointment which Taehyung found out is a date with this guy Jin is seeing.

The young patissier did a double check to ensure his shop was locked and secure before he made the way back to his studio apartment. Taehyung could easily have taken a detour and find Jungkook finishing up his training hours but the older decided against it as he wouldn't want to bombard the raven head with too much of his existence.

On his way, Taehyung contemplated. Sure enough, telling Jungkook everything about Lucas and how it has been with his family seems like the most logical and rational thing to do, but how would that even benefit Jungkook?

With the thoughts alienating his intention to come clean, Taehyung stepped into his abode calling it a day without dropping any messages to Jungkook as he promised.


"I didn't know you come to this gym as well."

Jungkook almost dropped the dumbbell he was lifting when he was ambushed by none other than a silver head.


The raven head's mind boggled with the widening of his eyes as he took the sight of the male in front of him. Whatever that the boy was trying to hide underneath all his casual cloth came into display ten times more chiselled as he stood half-naked, short hanging low on his waist.


Jungkook shakes his head rapidly while blinking his non-innocent thoughts away thinking about how stupid he is to even admire Lucas's body when he has a better one on his own. All he probably need to do is stand bare in front of a full-length mirror after a shower as Jungkook believes that's when he is the most handsome.


"Yea?" The younger dropped the weights as he took the towel hanging by the bench to wipe his dripping sweats clean.

"I haven't seen you here before. Do you come here often?"

"I don't. My regular gym was closed for some upgrading, so I had to occupy here for the past 2 weeks. I go to BE fitness down the street."

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