10. Sunshine & Lingering Thoughts

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Jungkook was thrilled when he noticed the copper head man standing by the door with stalks of sunflowers in his hand, as usual, paying a visit to the younger's home where the movie night was supposed to happen. On usual days, it will always be Hoseok and Louis's pad, but the ravenette was in such a good mood lately, he decided to host it in his this time around.

"You bought these for a movie night?" Jungkook pointed at the flowers and a bag of beers which the copper head dancer was cradling in his arms.

"There is a reason why I am many people's ideal type y'know Kooks. I know how to tackle their heart." Hoseok sent a smirking wink towards the younger who laughed it off knowing Hoseok's way around as a charmer.

It's been almost four years since Jungkook and Hoseok became good friends. The older is a brother he never gets to have and Jimin was a sweet bonus who came together in a package. For someone introvert and inclusive as Jungkook, the duo who burst out of energy all the damn time surely came in like a tornado into his life.

"Is Louie not here yet? I saw him leaving the house an hour before me." Hoseok placed the flowers and beers on Jungkook's medium-sized kitchen, enough to live for two. The younger worked hard to pay the rent for his studio apartment and he surely did a damn good job in keeping it aesthetically pleasing with a cosy vibe that screams Jungkook.

"Nope. Jimin is in the room, he wanted to nap before the movie. He seems worn out."

"He is. The poor boy was running through some routine over and over. He has a theatre performance coming up in a couple of weeks." Hoseok confirmed as he instructed Jungkook to hand him a vase in which he can arrange the flowers.

"Yea, he was with me yesterday. We were at a new bakery down the street."

"I know. He was buzzing me to join but I was caught up with my work. Maybe we can drop by again some other time?"

The thought about seeing a certain brown head surely tickled Jungkook's fancy as he bopped his head up and down aggressively confirming Hoseok's suggestion.

"The flowers are pretty Hobi. I thought you always aim to get a bunch?" Jungkook counted the stalks and noted that two stalks were missing.

"Oh, just a little incident. Had to give it away for another guy. He was also looking for some flowers for his place."

Hoseok who did not know the one he gave his stalks away was Taehyung, the male who has been causing a stir in Jungkook's mind recently.

"Make way for the legend! What did I miss?" Suddenly, the high pitched voice came ringing through the bedroom as Jungkook and Hoseok yanked their heads in the direction of the voice welcoming the almighty Jimin.

"You surely look like you had a very good nap indeed." Hoseok pointed at the blond head sticking in multiple directions like fireworks as he giggled trying to tame Jimin's wild hair when the smaller male approached them in the kitchen.

"Please. This is going to be the next big thing and you guys are going to envy my hairstyle."

"Gosh Jimin, to have a good and fabulous hair, perhaps you want to stop swiping them back from your forehead every damn time you do a routine or else you're going bald by 30." Hoseok rolled his eyes as he knows the blond head is easily triggered about this issue.

"HEY! I don't do that often. Besides, my hair is healthy as fuck. Look." He playfully pulled it apart, trying to mention the healthiness of his roots.

"Ok fine. You have the most fabulous hair. Who wants some beer?" Jungkook turned to the cooler and took out a few cans while the duo continued to bicker aimlessly.

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