29. VANTE & V's Bakery

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"They didn't even have the chance to. They never came back to me."

Sadness hurts like hell and there is no way beautiful around it. It's like you're being hit with a bullet, you need to force the bullet out and experience the pain if you continue your survival despite the damage.

That's probably one way to put it when Taehyung received a call. His whole world collapsed and it never returned to be the same. At the age of 20, Taehyung became an orphan and he lost two most important people in his life.

"I was informed their car overturned after being hit by a truck at the cross junction. Both my parents lost their lives on the spot." The brown head explained, eyes on the ceiling. Jungkook however couldn't move an inch of his body as he froze on the spot. He couldn't believe his ears. There were so many thoughts running in his mind but he did what his body tuned him to do.

The raven head leaned down and engulfed the older's upper body in his arms. The hug was not complete and to be honest it felt a little awkward for Jungkook to position him as such, but he didn't care. It didn't matter how uncomfortable the position was, he wanted to take Tae in his arms and shower him with comfort.

"I'm sorry to hear that Tae." His soft innocent whisper managed to put a smile on Taehyung's face as he used all his energy to return the hug by trying to wrap his arms around Jungkook's shoulder. It didn't look like they were hugging but I guess the skinship they shared was there as an assurance.

"It's been years Jungkook. Nothing can change it now, but thanks for empathising with me." Taehyung spoke in an octave lower, letting Jungkook know that it's alright.

"I had no idea."

Indeed, the younger had no idea that Tae has lost both his parents 8 years ago in a tragic accident. There are a lot of questions in Jungkook's mind. The raven head isn't sure if it's alright to ask the questions for he is afraid it might sound insensitive.

Taehyung can almost guess that Jungkook would have a clue if not would have figured out his connection with VANTE by now. The younger is not a dumb person and his logical sense is pretty strong.


"Hmm?" Jungkook let go of the older as he kept himself closer to Tae without invading too much of his personal space.

"You figured out who I was isn't it?"

Jungkook gulped uneasily. He can't seem to continue hiding behind the fact that he knows who Taehyung is. The brown head's true identity is not something small. Although the younger can't say where and when Taehyung chooses to remain such a low profile, he is sure that Taehyung did it after much deliberation.

For this, he slowly nodded.

"You figured out when you noticed who Maya was, haven't you?" Jungkook nodded again.

For Taehyung, he didn't think about the possibility of Jungkook knowing or even put a thought on it. Tonight, when he walked over to Jungkook's house and decided to meet the younger to ease his heart's aching, he thought about it and decided that he has nothing to hide. If he wanted to have Jungkook as a close and honest friend, the least Tae can do is be sincere with their relationship.

"Didn't you think about asking me why didn't I tell you about it?" Tae watched as Jungkook blinked his eyes rapidly, thinking for an answer.

"I didn't want to be too nosy on your personal life Tae. I realise that with all the time we have spent being each other's friends, we never really spoken about our families."

In the last couple of months, the duo has found their friendship with one another, they have not touched certain topics and family being the main part of it. Jungkook and Taehyung respectively have their baggages and they didn't want to speak about it.

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