24. New Girl & Hidden Stack

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Jin was busy narrating the usuals to Yoongi and his likeable friend Hoseok when he noticed the presence of his boss lingering at the front door.

"Maya." Yoongi was the next to greet the beautiful lady, dressed in class and looked like she can charm any passer-by with a mere gaze of her eyes. She is a beauty, I tell you that.

"Yoongi!" The lady who Yoongi greeted as Maya let go of Taehyung's arm as she ran towards Yoongi with her arms opened, ready to give the mint head her incoming hug.

The silent look on Jimin's face turned sour when he watched Yoongi engulf the said beauty in his arms without any rejection. The blond scoffed when he recalls the way Yoongi denied he is a hugger during one of their late-night chat as Jimin was saying how he loves to give and receive hugs.

"Not a hugger my ass." The blond's mumble was loud enough for Jungkook to break his trance as he looked over at his friend in a puzzle.

"I didn't know you'll be here." Maya was the first to let go as a sweet innocent smile adorned her perfect lips. In a nutshell, you won't think she might be a walking bitch trying to ruin people with her status and beauty.

"Trust me, I didn't know why am I here as well."

"Hey, aren't you here to assist?" Hoseok slapped Yoongi's chest, not knowing the internal joke ongoing between Maya and Yoongi. The copper head has no clue about the kind of relationship Yoongi has with Maya and why is the beauty with Taehyung in the first place.

"Ouch. There is such a thing called joke Hoseok. Geez." Yoongi held onto his chest, pretending it's hurting him like hell.

"So, Maya? I didn't know you're with Tae. I heard he was with the family. For Easter." Jin was the only rationable one in the crowd as he looked at Taehyung staying petrified on his feet while still connecting his gaze to the younger one who sat not far away.

With Taehyung's action being this obvious, Jin can't say for sure why the brown head is still oblivious and in denial that Jungkook is not just a newfound close friend he met a month ago.

"We were heading to the mansion anyways. I wanted to personally grab some sweets from Tae's bakery for the gathering. Surely, we can't have the meal together without having some desserts and Tae's baking is the best in town." Maya flashed her perfectly aligned white teeth smile, somehow making Jungkook feel conscious on his bunny grin. He carefully nibbled on his lower lip, allowing his insecurity to take another step inwards.

This is what gonna happen if you aimlessly crush on someone without knowing if they have a love interest Jungkook. Stupid!

The ravenette was battling with his inner thought as he refuses to keep eye contacts any second longer towards the entrance knowing that Taehyung is still there, giving him undescribable looks. Something seems off with this Taehyung and Jungkook feels the chill in him.

"Right. Aunt Sara surely knows how to cook delicious meals. To top that with V's Bakery delights, I'm sure the gathering will be amazing." Jin nodded, preparing the cashier and paper bags to pack the treats for Maya.

"That's right. Why are you not with us Yoongs?"

The fuck is she calling him Yoongs?  If only this is a cartoon series, you'd seen Jimin's ears blowing off steams as his jaw clenched tighter watching the antics of the mysterious lady who walked in with Taehyung. The fact that Yoongi seemed unbothered with the lady's closeness irked Jimin a lot more than he thought.

"Yo Kooks, who is that girl?" Jimin leaned a little to the side, keeping his voice a whisper as he directed the question to his friend.

"I have no clue."

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