Chapter 34

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I think I really upset Lisa big time. Did she even tell the CEO? Why does he want to see me instantly? I don't think I have missed out on any important tasks aside from declining Lisa's request though. Argh maybe she really talked to him about my cold treatment. I knocked just enough for her female secretary to hear it. She accompanied me to the main office. He did not see me coming so I intentionally made my presence known by clearing my throat.

"Oh, sorry I didn't see you got inside my office already. Come here Joohyun join me. Do you want anything? I have cookies and-"

I cut the CEO short. I am still wearing my poker face in front of my stepdad. "I am not here for that. What do you want us to talk about?"

"Well, I would like to personally commend you for doing a great job. I could see Lisa is really improving as a COO."

"I don't like to take all the credits. You know Wendy is also her mentor so you have to summon her too. And personally thank her for doing a great job."

"Right, of course. I'll do that some other time. I actually ask for your presence here for a personal reason. Just my-"

"Oh, please. We are at work so don't ask me personal questions or personal favors. We can talk at home when I visit mom and Chu."

"As if that can really happen. You rarely visit ever since you move in with Wendy."

"I don't have time for this. I need to go back."

"Hold on, young woman. Let me remind you that I am also a busy person. You might have forgotten my role in this company."

I really hate his guts. What does he need from me this time? "Fine."

"Sit down, Joohyun. I've been trying to find the right time to ask this." He crossed his arms and looked at me sharply.

"What is this about? You are power-tripping me."

"You are a family to me and I care so I have to ask this. Do you like her too?"

I was taken aback a bit as if I heard something I shouldn't hear from the least person. "What?"

"You might not see me as a father figure yet I have senses too. I can observe, Joohyun. The moment I saw you look at her when Chu introduced her girlfriend."

"H-how did you notice all that?" I closed my hands. And stared at my shoes. He walked near to me.

"I've been worried. I have so many things to say but you are not letting me inside your life. I am always the stranger who you thought wrecked your family. You're my daughter too and as your fath-"

"You're not Dad. You will never be. Just because Chichu has been always warm and sees you like one you thought it would apply to my case too. Yes, we're twin sisters. But we are different. I am sorry Sir, I have to leave."

He took a deep breath. "You're not a Bae." This made me turn to look at him again. He took a photo from his wallet and hand it to me. I saw an old photo of two young men being identical to each other. They resembled Mr. Kim."

"That's my twin bro. He died when we were just freshmen in college." This made me take a better look at Mr. Kim. He has been living with us for a very long time and this is the longest conversation I have had with him. "Don't you have anything to ask me?" He asked.

"Why are you showing this to me? You know we're at work. What is your point, Sir?"

"Do you know how your father met your mother?"

"How should I know? When mom's not really talking about him. You always steal his spot." I said full of hatred. Yes, I loathe my mother for marrying again after my father died. I felt like she replaced him easily as if she never loved him. I know she's happy with Mr. Kim but hell dad is the best for me.

"Can we sit down?" He asked and I obliged. I felt like he has something really important to tell me which might change my views in life.

"I never steal anything from your father. Well, Joowoon was a good guy. He's actually a friend of mine. I couldn't thank him enough for everything he did for Tiffany."

This is the first time I heard that he knew my father. "But I met her first and I was her lover. We had so many plans together and were engaged to be married after I got relieved from military service. Joowoon was our witness he was nothing but a supportive friend to both of us. When my family's company was on the verge of its downfall, Bae's helped us. Joowoon convinced his parents to help us and they did all that. When your maternal grandfather saw that Bae's business was really growing at that time. He decided to call off our engagement without my knowledge. And he made Bae agree with him so Joowoon and Tiffany would marry as soon as possible. That time I was still in service, I only found out when Joowoon and Tiffany visited me. I was really furious. I thought they were part of it. I got even madder at them when I found out she was already pregnant. So I cut my ties and lived abroad."

I looked at him with pity. I didn't know his past. Does he mean mom wasn't really planning to marry my dad in the first place and was only forced to do so because it was arranged for them?

"When I heard about his illness I thought maybe it was about time to forgive them. I was late when I got back to Korea, Joowoon already passed away. I don't think you'd remember. I met you at his burial. You've been crying so hard asking your father to wake up."

"I don't recall anything."

"I gave you a pink stuffed toy bunny. It made you stop crying. That's when Chichu started crying because she also wanted the same bunny. I was not aware Tiffany gave birth to twin girls. I told Chu I'll buy her one but she kept crying so you gave up yours to pamper her. The thing is I still remember how you acted tough that moment. I asked you if it's okay that I'll just buy you the new stuff toy instead. You said, 'I am fine, Mister. Chichu is happy so I should be happy. I won't cry about the bunny. I just want Dad to wake up. Can you wake him up for me?' You are too mature for a very young age. It hit something inside of me. I felt that I should look after you because you are always looking after your sister. Well, I am actually happy that you love your sister too much but it made me worried about you. I started to have a lot of questions because I never felt you guys are strangers. There's something about the two of you. I totally understand Tiffany's decision not to tell me about her pregnancy. I was blinded by my own hatred toward the Youngs and Baes. I abandoned her and let Joowoon take responsibility. They did not oppose the arranged marriage anymore since she was already pregnant and I was nowhere to be found. I hired someone to investigate if Joowoon's your biological father. I was right he wasn't. I should have known better. He was sick. Tiffany and he never had their own child. They only married because they were forced to do so. But even if he wasn't your real father he loved both of you."

I was speechless, I am my father's daughter. I can't be Mr. Kim's daughter. He looked at me as if waiting for me to say something. Is he expecting me to be happy about this revelation? It has been years and they play this out. No one ever told me and Chichu that the person we consider our stepdad happened to be our biological father. This made me only hate him more. I am so angry at him. No, I can't accept him as my father. He will remain a stranger to me.

"Joohyun?" He asked worriedly.

I stood up and left his office without saying a word. This is not real. I need to talk with Chichu. But maybe she would be happier since the two of them are really close. Aigoo what should I do? My whole life is a lie.
I don't want to be here.

"Hey Miss Bae!" I heard Lisa calling when I passed her office but I ignored her. I don't want to see her face. I am really mad about everything. I will kill anyone who would stop me. I need to get away from this place so I continued to walk away. I am already outside the building when someone pulled me. I was a crying mess. I felt arms around me. Someone's giving me a comforting hug. I break down and cry. I don't care anymore if I look ugly in front of a stranger.

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