Chapter 2

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"Hey, Lis." Seulgi tapped her friend's back multiple times. She already lost count of how many times she picked her up from random bars. Glad Lisa put her as the contact person in case of an emergency. "Buddy wake up. I need to get you home. Take a bath and cry the next day all you want. Look whatever you are doing isn't healthy anymore. Look at yourself, buddy. You lost your glow. Not that you are ugly or undesirable but there are a lot of fishes out there, buddy. Find a better woman, not just a girl who looks like your ex."

"She left, Seul. She does not love me anymore." Lisa cries like a total loser.

The bartender looked at Seulgi."Ma'am, you need to settle her bill first." She reminded her and pushed the bill towards Seulgi.

"Aish, okay I'll wire it right now. I am so sorry about my friend. You know she took the break up too hard."

"Oh not a problem, I've seen worst."

"And thank you for watching over her until I got here." Seulgi chuckled.

"Oh, don't thank me. Someone actually dealt with your friend earlier. She also cleaned up for her because she puked."

"Eeew, really? Do you have her contact number? So I can personally thank her."

"Sorry, she didn't give me any information. All I know is she's a drop-dead gorgeous woman."

"Wow, do you think she's straight or anything? Not that I wanted a hook-up for myself but for her." She pointed her finger at Lisa.

"Well, I sensed she's totally gay just the way she stared at your friend here."

"Whoa, that's good news" Seulgi got intrigued.

"What is the good news? Is Jennie back?" Lisa tried to open her eyes.

Seulgi hit Lisa's head, " Yah! It's been months you need to move on and forget about her. She's not coming back for you."


"Look, she's a friend of mine too. I knew her first but well she's stupid for leaving and for choosing her career or future, Geees, whatever."

"I can't live without her."

"You can, you are breathing just fine, right? All you have to do is eat, freshen up, and restart your life." Seulgi is getting all tired of repeating herself over and over again. She's close to giving up.

"Bring her back, Seul."

"Wake up, Lisa! She's not going back. She does not love you because clearly what she did is not acceptable."

"No, no, no. Please tell me you're lying. You know Jennie loves me."

"Just believe whatever you like but she's not going to be with a loser like you, Lis. So pull yourself together. Come on, I still have work tomorrow. Lucky for you, you have plenty of time to drink while I need to work my ass off so I can feed us both. You are wasting my money on liquors, gees."


She got up when she saw her twin sister enter through their bedroom window. "Hey! You sneaked out again!" She wanted to choke her for always getting them both into trouble.

"Shhhhh, did they notice?"

"Both Dad and Mom are clueless," she answered and saw how her twin sister rolled her eyes. With the mention of their parents.

"Aigoo, whatever."

"Lucky you, I cover for you. I put pillows on your bed. Will you please tell me first when you are going out so I can prepare how to cover for you?"

"Thanks, yeah, I will next time."

"No, there will be no next time. This is the last time."

"Well, you need to help me. I finally got the courage to go nearer to the blond woman I'd been telling you about a few weeks ago."

She gets excited hearing her twin sister. She taps her bed and her sister gets the message. "So how did it goes?"

"We didn't really talk but gosh her eyes, speak a lot of words. I think she had a bad break up that's why she drowns herself with alcohol."

"Oh, that's bad so which bar did you see this dream girl of yours?"

"Well, it's somewhere in Gangnam. -Ouch!" Her twin hit her.

"You naughty bitch, you went all the way to Gangnam to follow her? Are you a damn stalker?"

"Chill, sis, and please lower your voice. You can get us both caught."

"I am not with you. If Mom knew about this then you are going to be grounded, you fool."

"Well, that's what you'll do if you love someone."

"Shut up. How can you be in love with a stranger? Quit this game before you got burned."

"Aish, you are really no fun. Promise, I will then tell you ahead if I am going out, okay?"

"You better be." She warned.

"By the way her hands are big and her fingers are long."

"Argh...." The twins squealed like sea lions together.


"Gosh, you are really lucky you have some guts to rebel against our parents."

"Why don't you tell them that you are into girls too? So we can be the gay twins."

"It is easy to say than done."

"Come on set yourself free."

"Gosh, stop encouraging me. Do you know how our parents hate sinners? We will be both doomed."

"Yah, don't you want to join your twin sis in hell? We are always partners in crime. You and me against the world, right?"

"Aish, I don't want to go to hell. You know that. But if you are going there then well I have no choice but to follow you."

"Aigoo, aigoo here she goes again. Aigoo."

"What? Because it is us against the world. Even against the people in the next room, right?"

They both laughed. "Oh, I really love you, my twin sis. You are the best person in the world!

"I love you more. Come on, let's sleep we will need to attend the Holy Mass tomorrow."


Author's Note:

Just a teaser. Can you guess who's who? Hahaha there is no good or bad daughter. Just naughty twins.

Nyahaha 🤫

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