Chapter 23

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"Monkey!!!" Seulgi's voice could be heard without putting the call into a loudspeaker.

"Gosh, why do you need to yell that loud?" Lisa put away her phone. Her head was breaking like crazy and her best friend's voice added to it. She tried to get up. "How long are you going to pick me up?" She asked.

"Gees, this is not actually my problem. Why would you drink like crazy and burden me afterward? I got so busy at work, something came up. I haven't checked your messages." She explained. "Is the Subway still open at this hour?" Seulgi asked because she knew the sandwich store normally closes around this hour. The last message she got from Lisa was a few hours ago but she was not able to leave work right away due to other circumstances. She's heading to her car to pick up her black sheep best friend as usual. It has been days since Lisa and Jennie broke up. Though Lisa managed to pull herself together by not sulking inside her room. She then developed this bad habit of going out early and being wasted. Seulgi devoted herself to picking up her best friend wherever, that's her commitment as her loyal best friend.

"No, they shooed us like flies. We are about to head to uhm Happy Place."
She couldn't remember what is this place actually but she was like hearing things earlier.

"We? Who's with you and what kind of place is that?" Seulgi asked with a slightly scared feeling because Lisa doesn't hook up with random girls."It sounds like a cheap motel to me. Are you trying to get laid tonight?" She half-teased.

Lisa opened her eyes as if Seulgi's words shook her whole being. She realized she was not inside the sandwich store but in a middle of a park. "I thought I was just dreaming. Did someone really carry me all the way here?" She asked herself out loud which Seulgi also heard.

"What the heck are you talking about Manoban? You don't make sense. Are you drunk talking?"

"I think I'm sober now but Seul, I'm in the park and I am not sure how I got here. As if someone carried me all the way here but I am all alone."

"Did you hit off with someone earlier from the club?"

"Eeeew no, you know I am so in love with Jennie. I can never do that."

"And let me remind you Jennie dumped and left you. So don't talk about how much you love her. And Lis, you are allowed to do anything you like. You're single after all."

"Don't plant dirty things on my head. I am not like you."

"Yah! What do you mean? I don't really play around with girls. I just tried to be courteous."

"Courteous my ass, Seul. Don't tell me to date when you can't do it yourself."

"Now, this talk is about me? Should I pick you up? I think I should just mind my own business. I'm so fed up with your dumb ass. As if your ex-girlfriend will go back with you if you continue to do this."

"Yah, don't hang up. Pick me up. I'll wait for you. I don't want to hire a cab."

"So where should I pick you up?" Seulgi asked impatiently.

"I don't know where exactly I am. I thought I am just somewhere around Sajik-ro."

"If this is nearby the Subway branch then I can check the parks around the area. Just don't wander off. Stay wherever you are and turn your GPS on. I told you to always turn that on so I can easily go wherever you are."

"The thing is my battery is almost out. I will just wait for you here on this exact bench. I will not move a single muscle. I think I should lie down. I'll go crazy with my hangover. And yeah, Seul, I think I am hearing things."

"That's what you get for not listening to me. Whenever I tell you not to drink you'll do the exact opposite. Lis, please help yourself. I can't do this forever. You need to get back on your feet. Bounce back, Buddy."

Long silence ..........

Lisa has been always grateful because  Seulgi never leaves her behind but she can't be doing this to her best friend all the time. She wishes she could really forget and move on easily.

As if Seulgi could read her mind. She tried to be not so harsh with her best friend. "Just know I will do my best to be there for you, Lis. Okay, I will hang up and drive there. Take care."

"Thanks, Seul." The call ended and Lisa tried to recall how did she ever get to the park. She tried to scratch her neck and then wondered what was the thing around her neck. When she removed it she looked at it as if it was the oddest thing she ever saw her entire life.

"I can't remember putting on a scarf before I left the house and this is also not mine." She said with puzzlement.

She stood up though a bit tipsy and searched around if she was not alone. She's all alone. No one would be out strolling at the park during that time for sure.

"I thought I was dreaming that someone is holding my hands to keep me warm." She chuckled.

"It smells so nice. Is it lavender? A perfume or fabric con? downy?"

"It felt like someone was guarding me. I end up sleeping for too long."

"Must be an angel, but I did wake up early. I was not able to see my angel's face."

Lisa smiled as she caressed the soft cottony fabric of the scarf which belongs probably to an unknown woman. She felt so comfortable and safe having the scarf wrapped around her neck.

"I should meet my angel and personally thank her.  I will also ask her if this is downy or just a perfume."

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